Chapter 6- a new baby

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"Hello, it's happening I'm giving birth" Juliet's voice came down the phone she was obviously in pain.

"Okay I will slip some clothes on we will be right down there don't you worry"

"Be quick" she said down the phone.

I woke Nolan up

"It's 2am why are you waking me up?" He groaned turning over.

"Nolan, it's happening our little girl is being born" I said excited

I ran to the draws and chucked some cloths to Nolan as I just slipped on some leggings and an over sized jumper. I ran into the nursery and shoved in some baby clothes and nappies into the bag.

I ran downstairs grabbing a chocolate bar to eat on the way. Nolan ran passed me grabbing his keys as I followed him out the door. He grabbed the car seat and threw it into the back seat.

We got to the hospital 20 minutes later.
When we ran down the corridor we could already hear a baby crying. Tears started to pour down my cheeks. Today I would meet my daughter.

We opened the door and my eyes met with Juliet's and then down to the baby she was wrapped in a blanket and Juliet was holding her.

"Come and meet your daughter" Juliet said in a hush tone.

I picked her up gently and held her in my arms and rocked her back and fourth. She stopped crying.

"What are you going to call her?" the nurse asked.

"Esme" I say

"That was my amen suggestion" Juliet said tears creeping to her eyes

"I know"i said softly

"Okay, you need to sign some forms" the doctor said to Nolan "and so do you" she said to Juliet.

"Juliet is going to stay the night but as you are adopting Esme you are going to take her home with you now"

"Now?" I asked shocked we were taking her home so early.

"Yes " the nurse said.

"Juliet, are you still okay with this? you can pull out now if you want."

"I'm sure" she said forcing a smile

"Well you have to come and see her within the next few days, do you promise?"

"I promise" she said smiling

Juliet helped me out Esme in one of the outfits we had bought for her. Before we left Juliet placed a small rabbit you in Esme's arms.

"Whenever you look at this you shall remember me" she whispered into Esme's ear. she handed her back to me and I thanked her and wished her the best of luck before we left.

We arrived around 6 AM. I looked at Esme's tiny little face, she looked just like her mother.

I carried her upstairs and put her into her pyjamas and fed her from her bottle. I lay her in the cot I had put out in our room and went to bed myself

I woke up again around 10am. I grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower before heading into the nursery which to my surprise was empty.

"Nolan" I called

"Downstairs" he called back

I followed from where is voice was coming from and was surprised to see Nolan sitting on the sofa with Esme in his arms and Oslo curled up next to him. The minute Oslo saw me he jumped of the sofa and came running towards me. He has grown so much since the day we got him, but he was still the same tiny fluff ball we had bought a few months beforehand.

"Hello" I say leaning down to pick him up. I started to lick my face " yes i love you to, but we don't need all this kissing"

"Hey I'm the only one allowed to kiss her she is my wife."

"Not that I wanted to be" I said half joking but we both new it was kind of true.

"Hey that's not nice I would have asked you eventually after we had been to university and travelled the world" he said

I slumped on the sofa beside him " don't say that it makes me sad"

I lean over and kiss Esme's forehead. "good morning sunshine" I say. Oslo jumps up onto my knee.

"Feeling left out" I said looking into the puppies eyes.

"One happy family" Nolan said smiling. I smiled.

"Hello, yes Mum we have bought her home... well you could come around in a couple of hours... no Carmel's fine... I think Lila and Nash are coming she's asleep...okay see you then bye" Nolan said to his mum before coming to sit back down again.

Esme was asleep so Nolan and I were watching tv.

"When is she coming?"

"In about an hour, so is your Mum"

"Yay" I said sarcastically

"Come on, it's going to be fine"

"Okay, I will try and also I'm going to call Juliet"


"To tell her how her daughter is doing"

"Well she's our daughter now I don't know why you care about her so much"

"I promised" I shouted at him.

"Calm down" he said putting his hand in my arm.

I heard Esme crying and ran up the stairs and into the nursery. I grabbed a bottle of the side before heading over to her.

I picked her up and sat on the rocking chair on the other side of the room and started feeding her, the bottle.

I rocked her back and forth and for some reason I started crying, it was silent, tears streamed down my face.

I sat there for about 15 minutes before Nolan came in, the second he saw me he ran over to me and knelt down so he was at eye level with me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said Juliet deserves to know what is going on" he put his arm around me and pulled me up so I was standing,i still had Esme in my arms.

He then sat down and pulled me so I was sitting on his knee.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear. " I always have done, since the first day I met you and we played in you garden and Scarlet had a friend over and they threw water balloons at us. Then the day when you Mum announced she was pregnant with Courtney and then when she was born you ran away as everyone one ignored you and she felt no one loved you anymore as you weren't the youngest. Then when we started secondary school and Scarlets boyfriend at the time came over to us and told Lila she was a slut and Lila started crying so you tried to comfort her and he called you a Bitch so you kicked him in the balls. I always loved you and then when our parents announced we were getting married I was excited but heart broken at the same time. I wanted us I be together but not like that. I wanted for you to love me to but I was scared you wouldn't. I love Carmel Allen" he said the tears started again but this time they were of happiness " I'm pleased to call you my wife."

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