Chapter 1- Wedding

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I hope you enjoy this story. If you have any question just comment them and I will answer. Also please don't copy this story it is my story line I am the one who came up with it so no stealing. Also I don't edit the chapters till later. The chapters are going to be quite short so in will try to update often

The music began, I started to walk slowly- my three bridesmaids followed closely behind. when I reached the steps leading up to the alter my three bridesmaids took there seats and the music stopped. I stood facing Nolan. The priest rambled in about some stuff about always loving each other.

"I Do" I almost whispered.

"You may kiss the bride" The priest said.

Nolan lifted up my vail, which my mother had forced me wear much to my disgust- It was my wedding day for god sakes I should be able to choose what I wear.

"You look very beautiful" he whispered, looking into my eyes, I smiled at him

"You look very handsome" I whispered back.

He then kissed my lips softly before we split apart again and everyone clapped.

We walked back down the aisle hand in hand. As we reached the outside for the church the warmth hit us. It was a surprisingly warm day for England in the summer; perfect for our wedding.

A limousine was parked outside. Nolan and I both climbed in.

"Does it feel different being married do you feel all mature and grown up?" Nolan said laughing

"No I would rather be falling in love and getting married when I wanted to rather than being forced to, I'm only 19"

"I know I wish that too" he said putting his arm around my shoulders and I leaned against him. Your wedding day was meant to be the happiest day of your life but I was sitting in our limousine wishing a had a choice in my life and I wasn't forced into marrying one of my best friends.

"A little to the right, yep that's it" the photographer said as he snapped some group shots.

After the picture I went to sit at the table with the bridesmaids. I had only wanted three: Lila- my best friend, Scarlett- my older sister and Courtney- my younger sister.

The food was served and speeches were made by the best man- Nash, Nolan's twin brother/ best friend. The first dance was made and the cake was cut.

I sat down at the table next to Nolan- both of our parents sat opposite us.

"We have decided" Trisha, Nolan's mother started. " you two are going to adopt a baby"

"Couldn't I just become pregnant and give birth to one?"

"It's not that simple, it would ruin your figure I mean your petite body could not cope with that" My Mum said.

"Well doesn't it take months to go through the adoption service?" Nolan said

"Well no we have done most of it for you, all you need to do is sign some papers and someone will come and check your house very soon" Trisha said. Both of our Dads remained silent like they normally did when they were discussing things like this.

"We haven't even moved in yet" I said

"Well you will do very soon I mean everything is ready" my mum said

"Okay" I mumble

The rest of the evening went okay people kept congratulating us and giving us presents, by the end of the evening Nolan and I were both really drunk.

Around 3am we rolled up to the room and hell knows what happened but we both woke up naked the next morning with major hangovers.

We had decided to go on our honey moon before the wedding as Nolan was starting his new job in three days time.

So now we just had three days to move into our new house.

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