Remus Lupin

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Harry was now walking in the castle hall with Professor Snape and Kate. He was walking next to Kate with Professor Snape in front of them. They haven't told him where they were taking him or why. He was blindly following Professor Snape. They walked up many stairs and turned down many halls before stopping in front of a door.

Professor Snape opened the door and led them inside a hospital looking room. Beds lined the sides of the room, movable curtains surrounding each bed. A shelf with doors lined the back wall along with a single door. Professor Snape pointed to the nearest bed with a "Sit".

Harry sat in the uncomfortable bed and Kate sat in the chair next to it. Professor Snape walked up to the back door and knocked. After a moment, a woman opened the door. They started talking to one another, but Harry couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Kate, what did you tell your dad?" Harry looked back to the green-blue eyed girl.

She bit her bottom lip before sighing.

"You know I'm a seer, right?" Harry nodded. "When I touch someone for the first time, most of the time I see a bit of their life before I have meet them."

Harry broke out in a cold sweat. That means...

"I saw how your relatives treated you and I couldn't let you go back. So, I told my daddy what I saw."

Harry felt like crying. She saw something he didn't want anyone to know and told her dad about it too. He bet the man was telling the woman too. But what if they can take him away from the Dursleys? Harry started crying, the hot tears rolled down his face as he sniffed his nose which was now running.

"Oh no, please don't cry." Kate stood up and hugged him close.

He flinched hard which just made her hold him tighter, rubbing his back. He buried his face into her shoulder, hiding his face. Soon the tears stopped, and he lifted his head, rubbing his eyes with his sleeves.

When he looked around to avoid Kate's eyes, he noticed that Professor Snape and the woman was standing near they bed. The woman had a gentle smile when Professor Snape had caring eyes. He felt himself blush when he realized they saw him cry his eyes out on Kate's shoulder.

"Hello, dear. I'm going to do a full check up on you. You will only feel a tingling sensation," said the woman when she pulled out her wand.

Kate went to stand next to her dad as the woman waved her wand over Harry's head.

"Ah, I see. Snape, Ms. Kate. I need you two to move back some."

She turned around and shooed them back before closing the curtains around Harry and her. She turned back around with a smile.

"I need you to take off your shirt, Mr. Potter."

The lady most likely got his name from Professor Snape or the lighting scar on his forehead. Harry nodded and pulled off his shirt, feeling self-conscious when she stared at his chest and back. Harry knew they were covered in bruises, some older and some newer.

She popped her head out of the curtain and Harry heard her speak. "Your daughter was right, Snape. Bring me the bruising solution, would you."

Then there were footsteps before she pulled her head back in. Now she had a bottle of clear liquid and a cotton ball. Pulling the cork out, she put some of the liquid on the cotton ball and started gently rubbing it on his bruises.

"You poor thing, I'm sure Dumbledore will get you out of that house and with someone else. Worse case is you living at Hogwarts full time."

That didn't seem too bad. After she was finished, he was able to put his shirt back on. She opened the curtains back up and Professor Snape and Kate walked closer.

Harry Potter and the Seer who helped him escape his relatives Where stories live. Discover now