The Train to Hogwarts with other Wizard Kids

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The last month with the Dursleys was weird. The first few days, they put him in Dudley's spare room along with his new stuff. They avoided him and didn't make him to any work but a week into it, Uncle Vernon got angry and hit him upside the head. Everyone froze, thinking a wizard was going to pop out and curse them but when nothing happened, Uncle Vernon smiled.

So, Harry got locked in the cupboard again and was forced to clean and cook. They also started hitting him again but only on his back and chest. But soon, the month passed, and Harry was shoved into the back of the car along with his stuff.

"I don't want any of those freaks pounding on my door if I don't let you go to that blasted school. Where do I need to drop you off?"

Dudley was in the front seat, eating some pudding. He also had to come since they needed to remove his tail before sending him off to school.

"King's Cross," Harry mumble quietly while making sure Hedwig was save in her cage.

He had named her the first week, when he was allowed in the room, while reading A History of Magic. He thought the name was cool and she seemed to respond to the name as well. Luckily, the Dursleys let him feed Hedwig after he was forced back into the cupboard.

"A train? Don't they have magic carpets?" questioned Uncle Vernon.

Uncle Vernon started driving and Harry said nothing.

"What time dose the train leave?" said Uncle Vernon as he glanced at him through the rear-view mirror.

Harry knew he would purposely drop him off at a time so Harry would have to run to catch the train.

"Ten o'clock," Harry said, giving him an extra hour to find the train.

They reached King's Cross at a quarter before ten and Uncle Vernon pulled out all of Harry's stuff before leaving. Now Harry was alone with a huge trunk and cage. Sighing, he grabbed a cart and pushed his trunk onto it, but it still took all his strength, a wall, and almost fifteen minutes. Lastly, he placed Hedwig and her cage on top and started pushing the cart to platform nine and ten.

When he got there, he noticed there wasn't a sign with nine and three-quarters on it and he only had haft an hour. Harry began to panic. His only chance in getting away from the Dursleys was starting to slip away from him. Plus, the boy from the robe shop promise to save him a seat.

He stopped a passing guard and tried to ask him where the train to Hogwarts was. He had never heard of Hogwarts, so he tried asking him for the train at leaves at eleven o'clock. There was no train that leaved at eleven o'clock. In the end, the guard walked away, mumbling about his time being wasted. Now Harry began to breath funny, the clock on the wall said he had ten minutes before the train left. Tears were pushing at his eyes.

At that moment a group of people were walking by him and he picked up a few words of their conversation.

"– packed with Muggles, of course – "

Harry turned around to see a plump woman who was talking to four boys, all with flaming red hair. Each boy was pushing a trunk like Harry and one had an owl. Maybe they could lead him to where the train was. Harry pushed his cart after them in a hurry. They suddenly stopped and so did he, just near enough to hear what they were saying.

"Now, what's the platform number?" said the woman.

"Nine and three-quarters!" piped up a small red-headed girl holding the woman's hand. "Mom, can't I go..."

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

The oldest boy, Harry's guest, marched toward platforms nine and ten. Harry tired to watch carefully and not blink but a large group of tourists walked in front of him, blocking his view. Then the boy was gone when he looked again.

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