The Midnight Walk

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One day, a few weeks into the school year, a notice was pinned up in the Slytherin common room. Flying lessons with Gryffindor starting Thursday. Harry had forgotten about flying on a broomstick. Well, kind of. Draco had bragged about how good he was at flying and how his father let him fly all the time. Harry just didn't think they would learn so soon. At least he gets to share never flying before with muggle born.

Then Draco brought up Quidditch one day and Harry remembered Ron brought it up once. It was a wizard sport that was super popular and the only big sport. You fly on a broom and hit a ball around into hoops. There are other balls that fly around and try to hit you so some of the team members had a big stick. Last, there is a small golden ball that's worth a hundred points when it's caught since that is how the game ends. One person flies around searching for it.

Draco kept saying how he can't wait to join the team next year since first years can't. Harry wanted to try too since it sounded fun, and he had never played a sport. Kate had read a book about flying tips since her dad had never let her fly, saying she was too young. Harry had borrowed the book for an hour.

At breakfast on Thursday, Harry had sat with the Gryffindors. Hermione was telling all the first years about flying tips she had gotten from a book she borrowed from the library. Only Neville was interested on what she was saying while everyone else was looking around. Luckily, the mail interrupted her lecture about the dangers of flying and everyone seemed pleased.

Harry hadn't gotten another letter since Hagrid and Moony sent him one a few weeks ago. Draco had tried to reassure him that Moony was probably busy. It didn't make him feel better since Draco got a letter everyday with sweets his mother sent. But today, Hedwig landed in front of him with a letter and package. Harry took the letter and package and feed Hedwig some bread before she flew off. Harry opened the letter first.

Sorry about not sending you a letter in a while. I was sick and finally recovered a day ago. I read all the letters you sent me last night before I went to bed. You have flying lessons soon, correct?
Your dad was a great flier so I'm sure you will do great. I sent you some sugar quills as an apology for not replying sooner.
Love, Moony

Harry blushed reading the last part. Moony really does love him, maybe even since he was a baby. Harry opened the package to see a few sugar quills. He started chewing on them when a barn owl landed in front of Neville.

The barn owl was Neville's and he seemed excited when he grabbed the package that was attached to its leg. He opened it with a smile and showed them a glass ball the size of a marble, which seemed to be full of white smoke.

"It's a Remembrall!" explained Neville. "Gran knows I forget things – this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this and if it turns red – oh..." his face fell because the Remembrall had suddenly turned scarlet. "'ve forgotten something..."

Neville was trying to remember what he had forgotten when Draco, who was walking up to Harry, had snatched it out of his hand.

Harry frowned but Kate had smack Draco upside the head. Draco blinked once before smiling awkwardly. He gave it back to Neville.

"Sorry, Neville," said Draco as he scratched the back of his neck. "I just wanted to look, I forgot this isn't like home and I need to ask first."

Neville smiled and told him it was fine. He then started explaining what it was to Draco and even let him hold it again. Kate was smiling beside him.

"Spoiled part," mumbled someone near Harry.

When Neville showed Draco the Remembrall turned red for him, Draco pointed out that he wasn't wearing his hat. Neville blushed and thanked him before standing up and walking out of the Great Hall to get his hat.

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