The Detention

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Things could be worse, but this was cutting it close.

Filch took them down to Professor Snape's study in the dungeon, where they sat and waited without saying a word to each other. Draco was gripping onto Harry's hand with a death grip while his shoulders trembled. Harry was trying to think of excuses to get them out of trouble but all of them were to out there. He couldn't see any way they would get of the trouble. How could they be so stupid as to forget the cloak? There was no way Snape was going to let them off after they were found creeping around the school at the dead of night. Not to mention, being at the tallest tower with was out of bounds except for class. If Snape knew about Norbert, they might as well pack their bags now. At least Harry had Moony to go home to.

Harry didn't know how to feel when Snape walked in with Kate behind him. She had a blank look on her face. Snape's eye was twitching, and Draco must have noticed because he started shaking more.

"Filch says you were up in the astronomy tower. It's one o'clock in the morning. Explain yourselves."

Harry and Draco just blinked at him, not knowing what to say. Draco was more pale than usual.

"What about you, Kate?" said Snape as he turned around to face his daughter. "Why were you near the tower?"

"I was picking something up that they dropped." Her face was still blank and both of they were having a stare down.

"What did they drop?"

Kate patted her pocket before pulling out a silver pocket watch. It had little blue jewels forming an M on the back. Draco gasped beside Harry.

"I see," Snape took a glance at Draco before looking back at Kate. "Do you know why they were near the tower?"

"I told them to. They needed to get caught."

"Did you tell Greenwood they made of story about Potter with a dragon to get him detention too?"

"Who?" Kate's blank look broke as her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Arbor Greenwood. First year Ravenclaw."

Kate shook her head and Snape sighed. He walked over to his desk and plopped himself in his chair.

"You said they needed to get caught?" asked Snape as he looked over at his red-head daughter who gave him a short nod. "Since I'm the one who caught you, Kate, you can get away with being out of night. Don't think this can happen all the time. But for the two of you, Filch caught you with means I can't let you go easy. Twenty points will be taken from both of you plus a detention. I won't call your guardians this time."

"Twenty points?" asked Harry.

"Yes, I will take more, Potter," sneered Snape. "Even if Kate told you to walk around the school, nothing gives you the right to at night, especially these days, it's dangerous."

"Because of the person trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Snape's eyes got thinner as he glared at Harry while Draco elbowed him. Kate shook her head in disappointment from behind her dad. The man stared in silence before speaking slowly.

"How do you know about the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Snape looked over at Kate who put her hands up in a surrender while shaking her head. The room was filled with awkward silence as looked at the two boys who were avoiding eye contact.

"Leave this room and go to bed. We will talk about this on a later date."

When the three got to their common room, Kate glared at Harry as she pulled out his cloak and handing it to him before walking to her room.

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