Halloween Troll

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The next morning, Harry woke up later than usually. Draco was already up and dressed when Harry opened his eyes. With a low groan, Harry got up and pulled on his clothes. Draco had to tie his tie for him so they wouldn't be late for breakfast.

At breakfast, Draco was giving him worried looks as he slowly ate his toast. Kate didn't seem surprised as she sipped her chocolate milk.

"Harry, what time did you go to sleep last night?" asked Draco as he pushed Harry's hand closer to his face. Harry took a bite and munched on it slowly.

"One o'clock, I think." Harry's voice was slurred when he spoke.

"You were up until one?" Draco raised a perfect brow and narrowed his silver eyes at Harry. "What were you doing staying up at one? I know it's not homework, I have helped you complete yours early."

Guilt filled Harry and he avoided Draco's peering eyes. He glanced at Kate and saw she was already staring at him not looking like she cared but was still paying attention.

"I may have snuck out," said Harry and Draco's eyes widen. "I went to see Ron to tell him about me being on the team and Filch almost caught us. So, we ran into a locked room which turned out to be the forbidden corridor. But there was a large three headed dog guarding a trap door and we had to run away before it ate us."

Draco was now gripping Harry's arm tightly while glaring at Harry. Harry gulped loudly.

"You are a bloody idiot, Harry," angry was dripping from Draco's word but Harry would hear the worry in them. "You could have gotten hurt or caught and sent straight back to your muggle relatives. I know for sure Mr. Remus isn't your guardian yet."


Harry leaned his head down and started eating his food again. He heard Draco sigh then place a hand on Harry's head, running his hand over the nest.

"Just bring me next time so I can protect you," mumbled Draco as he lifted his hand off of Harry's head. "And Kate too."

Then breakfast was back to normal, with Draco talking to Blaise about schoolwork. Pansy looked over from her spot between the two large boys from their year, looking like she wanted to talk to Draco, but Kate always scares her away. Millicent Bulstrode and Theodore Nott were talking about Quidditch while Daphne Greengrass flirted with a second year. Kate was listening on the conversation around her while finishing her meal.

"How come you're not surprised about the dog?" Harry turned to Kate with a raised eyebrow. She hummed before answering.

"I already knew about the dog."

Harry didn't asked anymore questions.

The owls arrived and Hedwig landed in front of Harry with a note. Harry took it from her and gave her bacon before she took off.

Come to my classroom before your go to Quidditch practice today.
Professor Snape

Harry shrugged his shoulders and got up. Swinging his bag over his shoulder, he tapped Draco on the head.

"Professor Snape wants to see me after breakfast. I'll meet you at class."

Draco just waved his hand, still talking to Blaise. Exiting the Great Hall, Harry walked down to the dungeons to see Professor Snape. What did he want? Does he know about yesterday? Somehow, Professor Snape knew about yesterday and was going to get him in trouble. Harry started dragging his feet as his heart started to race.

Harry arrives at the classroom, but it felt like it was too soon. Taking a deep breath, Harry reminded himself to not mention the night walk unless Professor Snape did. With a knock, Harry pushed open the door to see the black-haired professor sitting at his desk, writing something.

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