The First Day

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The next day, after students arrived, was a free day. It was a day they got to sleep in. It was a day they learned all the rules. It was a day they learned where their new classes were – the first years had to learn where the library and hospital wing was too. It was a day to caught up with friends about their summer, ask questions, and check with their Head of House and Perfects.

Harry woke up to a gentle shake to the shoulders. With a groan, he opened his eyes to see Draco sitting on the bed in outside school clothes. He smiled when he realized Harry was awake.

"Good morning, did you sleep well after getting into my bed?" Draco asked with a smirk.

Harry blushed deeply and sat up.

"Sorry, I must have done it without realizing it. I had a nightmare and..." Harry trailed off and looked around the room.

He didn't want to make eye contact with the older boy. But Draco kept smiling.

"It's alright, Harry. I'm glad I could help. But if they get any worse, I suggest we tell Professor Snape. We wouldn't want your nightmares to affect your schoolwork." Draco stood up and held out a hand.

Harry took it and Draco pulled him up and out of bed.

"Now, get dressed in normal clothes. Today, our goal is to find out where our classrooms are and where the library is. After breakfast of course." Harry just nodded and walked up to his trunk, that he just realized was in front of his bed.

He started shifting through his clothes.

"Where's Hedwig?" Harry asked as he pulled out a very large shirt with a hole in the sleeve.

"The Owlery in the West Tower. Also, what is that shirt?" Draco said and pointed to the shirt in Harry's hands.

Harry felt his face grow warm again. All his clothes were hand-me-downs from Dudley, so they were all too big for him.

"It's the only other one I have." Harry whispered, looking down.

Draco hummed and opened his trunk. He pulled out a dark green button down shirt and some black trousers. He handed them to Harry.

"Here, these will fit you better than those rags. Maybe I can ask my parents to buy you some better clothes." Harry took the clothes and smiled at Draco before changing.

Luckily the bruising solution worked over night, so they were only a gross yellow now which didn't show up well with his tan skin.

When they were both ready - Draco fussed with Harry's hair - they went into the common room to see Kate awake, reading. Draco walked up to her and placed his chin on top of her head. Harry stood beside him.

"Come one, let's go eat. It's already eight o'clock." Draco closed her book and tugged her off the couch. Kate sighed.

"Well, I woke up an hour ago, you were the ones late." She said as she walked to the exit, Draco and Harry trailing behind her.

She pushed open the portrait and walked out into the cold dungeon halls. When all three of them walked through the hole in the wall, the portrait closed. The black snake hissed a "Goodbye".

"Goodbye." Harry waved at the portrait with a smile.

He looked back around to see Kate and Draco already walking down the hall. He ran to catch up with them. After walking down halls and upstairs, they reached the Great Hall. When they walked inside, Harry saw Ron sitting with Neville.

"Can houses sit at different tables?" said Harry, glancing at Ron.

Kate looked over and looked back at him.

Harry Potter and the Seer who helped him escape his relatives Where stories live. Discover now