The aftermath

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After I had let all the anger pour out my body, I inhaled a deep breath looking at my father standing in front of me looking almost broken. Eyes full of regret for the past.

At a loss for what too say now i simply leave, walking upstairs too my 'bedroom' sitting myself on the floor. I didn't belong here, it wasn't my home and he wasn't my dad.

It took a few more hours but Gerard eventually appeared at my bedroom door, moving too sit on the floor beside me. 'Guess schools a right off today then huh?' He asks me, causing too me letting out a watery chuckle. 'You know, I am sorry for the way i treated you. I was a bad person and a bad father.' He starts letting out a shaky breath as I turn too look at him. 'You deserved better than me and I know i have no right too boss you about but I just want too be better. A good dad.' He explains, causing my entire demeanour too instantly soften. 'I know.' I mumble softly. 'I'm trying too, it's just i never saw you as a Dad.' I admit honestly. 'But I do love you, I always have and I'm trying too forgive you.' I hum trying too hold back any tears. 'I love you too.' My dad says softly wiping away a few tears. 'It's gonna be different this time, I can't change the past but i can look after you like a real dad now.' He says causing me too nod in response as i sniffle. 'I'll go to school tomorrow, I'll try not too argue or fight.' I say genuinely. 

Gerard ways daughter Where stories live. Discover now