Love once again, or not.

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Time for Elise had moved slowly, the last 6 months of the gruelling experience that is highschool and building a relationship with your estranged father wasn't exactly a fantastic time.
Elise's Pov:
I trudge my way out the front doors of school after another lack lustre day, it wasn't that i hated school but my lack of friends and awkward behaviour didn't make it a walk in the park for me. I glumly walk along the road, eyes lighting up when i see my father's car in view, weird he always forgets too pick me up. Our relationship was rocky too say the least especially since he started dating Lindsay. Personally I couldn't fucking stand the woman but hey ho, i climb in the car and instantly notice his happy demeanour. 'Hey.' He says too me flashing a smile too which i simply grunt and nod. 'bad day?' he asks too which i simply nod, not giving anything else away which i can clearly see visibly upsets my father. 'So Lindsey's coming over for dinner tonight should be fun.' He tries. 'I'm busy tonight.'i say grumpily, I wasn't but i would happily walk about alone for hours than be in the presence of my father and his god awful girlfriend. 'Oh i see, where you headed?' he asks curiously. 'None of your business.' You hum. 'I don't want a repeat of the last few times you went out with those kids from school.' He says seriously causing you too snort you'd recently came back from an outing drunk and Gerard's snooping led him too finding weed in your bedroom much too his dismay. 'I can do as a I please, you are not my boss' I say firmly anger spewing already. 'I'm your dad so what i say goes' He says firmly. I simply ignore him after that until he pipes up once again. 'Linds and I are heading away for a bit so you're gonna be staying with Mikey.' He mutters? Really? Was this good timing too tell me. 'I have that art show at school you said you'd come.' I say frowning. 'Yeah I know but Lindsey's birthday is coming up so Mikey and Frank might take you.' He explains causing me too outright burst into tears, What in the actual fuck? 'So I'm your daughter and you missed a lot of my birthdays and now your bailing on something that means a lot too me.' You argue with a slight sniffle. 'I'm going with Linds end of.' He says firmly. 'Fuck you Gerard I don't wanna live here anyway i won't be coming back.' I spew angrily.
'I'm you're dad so unfortunately you'll be staying right here with me.' He says smugly. 'I want my fucking mom.' I say crossing my arms. 'I want my mom and i want too go back too Jersey, now.' I shout. 'Well you can't Elise you can't have your mom and you certainly cannot go back too jersey.' He states adamantly. 'I wish it was you and not mom.' I spit with pure venom, practically sprinting off too my room but not before i can see the horrified expression on my Fathers face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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