time to reconsile?

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Here i was sitting in the back of a social workers car on the way to my fathers, He couldn't even be bothered to pick me up after my own mother who he once claimed to love had died. I haven't seen my dad since 2005 it's now 2007 and his band with my uncle Mikey and two of the other guys Ray n Frank who i liked have taken off.

'Elise,we're here.' said the social worker,Sarah I believe her name was.
i didn't answer i just slowly got up out the car and stood outside the shut door.
'Elise come on i know it's been a while but he's your dad, I'm sure he's excited to see you.' She said her tone annoyed me she didn't know my father he didn't care for me at all.
'you don't know Jack shit.' I said as a i slung my black backpack over my shoulder, She shot me a glare I'm guessing due to my language towards her.
We approached the door and Sarah knocked almost instantaneously Gerard opened it he looked so happy i was beyond confused.
'Elise hey, come in' he beamed 'oh my god you've gotten so grown up fuck you look so like me.' I didn't respond fuck this was uncomfortable he looked crushed that i didn't share his enthusiasm
'Hi I'm Sarah' she interjected
'Nice to meet you' Gerard said
'Well i better be going, Elise please be social and talk to your dad.' She stayed directing the last part at me.
'hi I guess' i said in a monotone voice
'I've missed you.' He said sounding sad
well this is it my mum is dead and Gerard the worlds worst dad is all I've got.

Gerard ways daughter Where stories live. Discover now