the tantrum

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I quickly stormed upstairs I could feel my emotions going out of control I reached what was now my room I guess closed the door and screamed I was losing my cool, I smacked my head over and over.
Gerards pov
'is she okay' frank said after Elise quickly ran to her room. suddenly we heard her scream I knew that scream it was a meltdown scream, it brought me back to when Elise was a little girl whenever she would have meltdowns she would scream and get so aggressive especially toward me. 'Bro should we go check on her' mikey said pulling me out my thoughts. 'I'm not sure, do we leave her too it I'm not used to this being a dad shit' I said. 'Leave it to me' mikey said smiling at me. Fuck this made me feel like an awful dad.
Elise's pov
'El, are you okay' I heard mikey say sounding cautious. 'Yeah' i stifled out between cries. 'You can come in' I added needing some help.Mikey entered my room engulfing me in a hug. i jumped back at this i didn't want to be touched right now especially by a man that i barely knew , i wanted my mom but i couldn't have her ever again, suddenly this realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks
'i want my mom' i said with force
'i know you do but you can't have her i'm sorry , you have me and your dad and frank and even ray' he said gently
'mikey, i miss my mom so much she knows how to help everything' i said a sob escaping my lips
a light tap was heard on my bedroom door and gerard entered 'hey ,can i come in' he said softly concern lacing his voice. 'sure' i said as i wiped away the tears that wet my face.
'Are you okay, do you want a hug or some coffee or whatever teenage girls like' he said smiling
'a smoke and 4 new puppies would be the best remedy but things can't always be perfect' i said slightly sarcastic but sadness still laced my tone.
i had Gerard and the other guys i would have to make do.
' i can offer a hug from your dumb dad and a starbucks?' he said chuckling at my response.
'why not' i said smiling at him as he came towards me and embraced me 'awwww family moments' mikey said from the sidelines where he was watching 'shut the fuck up mikey' i said earning that parent look from gerard 'now about that smoke' i said smirking.

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