1 - Jean x reader - In my League

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1st story :D
I don't really like writing in 1st person (I prefer 3rd), but I wanted to try it out again. Have fun, stay hydrated and please vote!
And I know the "official" plural of 'pappus' is 'pappi' (I've had 3 years of Latin), but 'pappuses' is also okay in modern English and I don't think pappi sounds good in a story lol (aye papiiiii)
ALSO the beginning is a little bit cringe, but it gets better, I promise. My specialty is angst so the soft start was quite a challenge

Dandelion: Growth; Hope; Healing; Strength; Rebirth

-Jean Gunnhildr, adult woman (Genshin Impact)
-Reader, adult person (gender not specified; you can read this as man, woman, anything in between and/or outside of that :D)

Genre: Angst

Not requested!

Blood(very little)
Gore(very little)

"Oh sweetie, she's way out of your league. My league, on the other hand..."

1st person's POV (Reader)

Why? Just why? Why did I need to fall in love with the Acting Grandmaster? Come on, Y/n, you're just a worker in Diluc's tavern! How could such a gorgeous, high-ranked woman ever fall for a bartender in Angel's Share? This is so stupid. My chest hurts, because we can never be.

Ever since I saw her enter the tavern, I've been so head over heels. She was there with Lisa, the librarian. Lisa kind of creeps me out, she keeps calling me and a lot of others 'cutie'. I don't know, I just don't like it. But man, I was standing behind the bar while Charles, the other bartender, was cleaning tables upstairs. The door opened, and I first saw her strong stance and powerful walk. I'd seen her walk, yes, but I mean- THIS WAS UP CLOSE! Her blonde hair swayed softly while she stepped inside. She smiled at me, I felt myself heating up. I shook it off and asked for their orders.
'What can I get you, ladies?' I asked, trying not to blush. Jean looked a little unsure, so Lisa stepped in.
'Hi cutie, I'll take my usual and Jean would like something relaxing.'
'Alright, a medium extra sweet Love Poem and for miss Gunnhildr... I'll make a medium Scholar's afternoon. There is milk in that, is that okay?' I asked. Jean nodded.
'I'd always thought you'd be more of a coffee person, though?'
'Lisa wants me to relax more, so yeah,' Jean chuckled softly. My goodness, that was adorable and hot at the same time. I nodded and started making their drinks.
'They'll be ready soon, I'll bring them to your table,' I said, insinuating they should go find a seat.

After I finished making the drinks I brought them to their table.
'Thank you, cutie.' Lisa smiled.
'Thank you,' Jean sighed while she took the warm cup from me. She took a sip.
'That tastes amazing! What was it called again?' Before I could answer her, Lisa spoke up while twirling her hair.
'Scholar's Afternoon,' she said. I nodded, smiled and walked away. I started cleaning some glasses, eyeing Jean every now and then. Charles came downstairs with some more glasses.
'Would you mind if I left early today?' he asked me. I shook my head. He tossed me the keys.
'Make sure to close up, thanks. I think I'll leave like 30 minutes early, so you won't have to do everything alone during the busiest hours.'
'Thanks, Charles.' We stood in silence while we cleaned the last few cups. It could become busy any moment now.

Hours later, after all the patrons left, I cleaned up the tavern and started washing the last few glasses. I had poured beer and wine all evening. My head hurt. I coughed. I washed my hands and closed up Angel's Share.

This happened more often since then. Every couple days Lisa would force Jean to relax, and I would not have a chance to speak with her. Every time Jean asked me anything, Lisa answered before I could even open my mouth. I hated it so much. I just wanted Jean to see me. I'd also been coughing an awful lot lately, I probably caught a cold. I asked Diluc if I could take a break and he agreed.

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