015.i love you

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chapter fifteen•i love you

The four of us hug. "You're okay!" I exclaim.

"Are you all okay?" Peter asks.

Everyone nods.

Peter holds my face as he noticed my many cuts, and he looks at the wound in my chest from the Goblin. "How badly are you hurt?

"I'll be ok, Peter."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. I promise."

"Um... we should go, right?" MJ suggests. I notice a cut on her forehead.

Peter struggles to find words.

"You're gonna forget who I am."

"...What?" Ned and MJ gasp in union.

I freeze, slowly processing what he said. "Forget who you are- What are you talking about?" i ask nervously.

"It's okay. I'm gonna come and find you, and I'll explain everything," Peter promises, tears in both of our eyes.

All three of our faces fall.

"I'll make you remember me, and it will be like none of this ever happened. Okay?"

If none of this happened, I would have never fallen in love with Peter.

"What if that doesn't happen?" MJ trembles.

"What if this doesn't work... Peter. I can't loose you. I can't do this..." I say softly. "I've barely gotten to know you."

"I know, love, I know."

"But what- Is there not something we can do? Can't we come up with a plan? There has to be something, Peter."

He looks at me in sadness.

Peter shakes his head. "There's nothing we can do. But it will be ok."

Ned and MJ are on the verge of tears but I'm already crying.

They stand back as Peter stands an inch or two away from me.

"You promise?" Ned whispers.

"Yeah, I promise," Peter smiles.

I step back as Peter and Ned did a handshake of theirs. I saw them do it in the lab and in the dungeons. It must be their special thing. I am going to miss their lighthearted friendship.

He then hugs Ned, and moves onto MJ. "I'm so sorry, to all of you."

Peter hugs MJ tightly.

"I'll come find you, okay?"

"I know you will," Ned smiles.

Ned and MJ back away so Peter and I can have a more private moment.


He cuts me off by kissing me lightly. "Don't worry. I'm going to fix all of this."

I gasp, my eyes locking with his his. Peter's lips against mine feel so perfect and so right. Being with him has given me a feeling that I haven't experienced in a while.

Pure bliss. Blush roams my face.

"But Peter, I just found you. I can't loose you already."

"We'll find each other again."

"I don't deserve you," I whisper, tears slowly falling from my eyes.

"It's not your fault. You were never a villain to me. You were just broken," Peter replies.

"You have no idea how much I love you," he smiles.

He loves me.

"I guess what they say is true. Love at first sight."

Both of us laugh a bit. "I really do love you, Peter," I whisper.

"I love you too."

"Tell me that when we meet again, okay?"

Peter nods. He doesn't have much longer. He turns to me and pulled me into another kiss. Magic swirls above the two of us, and I wish that this moment could last forever. Peter and I are locked in embrace and in love.

At the top of the Statue of Liberty, Strange starts the new spell to override the old one. The other Peters and other villains start to fade away. Am I next? When would yI go? God, I don't want to go.

Peter 3 looks in my direction with a small smile as he fades away, and I realize that I don't hate him anymore.

Tears streamed down my face more violently now. Peter and I are reluctant to let go. But Peter makes the first move. He steps back, and jumps on a ledge.

Before he is about to web off, he looks at the Statue of Liberty. Strange nods his own goodbye.

Peter then looks back at me. Even with the spell about to hit me, I  managed to mouth one last, "I love you."

Peter webs off, and there is a blast of magic. The sky clears, and the new spell was complete. Everything is calm. He looks over to find me still there. Strange has left me in the universe...

all alone.

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