Chapter One: MADMAX

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A/N: Welcome back! Thank you so much for all the love and support "Lost and Found" received! I'm so proud of it and how far it's come. This sequel has been a blast to write, Season 2 is my favorite season, so I was so stoked to finally start writing for it. I will warn you now that chapters for this fic will be long. I got v passionate about this! Anyway, I don't know what else to say other than thank you again and enjoy this first chapter ❤️❤️

Warnings: very brief mentions of prostitution

Word Count: 4629

"Eleven. Eleven twenty-five. Eleven fifty. Eleven seventy-five. Twelve."

Quarter after quarter thunked onto the desk belonging to Doc Wheeler as she muttered her counting to herself. She was nearly reaching the end of her piggy bank by this point and she was becoming quite proud of the amount of money she managed to make. "Twelve twenty-five. Twelve fifty. Twelve seventy-five. Thirteen. Thirteen-"

    "Gator Bait, do you copy? This is Rug Bug."

"Shit!" She banged her hands onto her desk in frustration. Glancing over at the walkie on her bed, she huffed and stood to her feet before shuffling over to it. That would have marked the second time she had lost count and she was willing to just skip the counting and take a guess.

    "Gator Bait, do you copy? This is Rug Bug calling in."

A soft smile on her face, Doc picked up her walkie and stared at it for a bit, letting the voice continue on in its attempts to get her to answer.

    "Gator Bait... this is Rug Bug. Are you there?"

Returning to her desk, Doc sat back down with a chuckle.


"This is Gator Bait. What's your haul, Rug Bug?" She answered, running her free hand through the new length of her hair she had grown out over the past year.

    "Why do we have code names if you only answer to your real name?"

"Because it's cute listening to you say the names. Now, what's your haul?"

It went quiet for a bit before the voice answered, "I'm counting. You?"

"Well, I was counting, too, but you made me lose track."

    "Sorry..." The voice quietly chuckled. Her heart warmed at the sound despite it battling with the crackling of their walkie connection. "What number do you remember leaving off on?"

Doc let out a slow breath as her (e/c) eyes roamed over the coins grouped on her desk. "Uh... Like, thirteen-something?" She shrugged even though the voice couldn't see it.

    "Thirteen?! That's all from you selling hats?"

"Will, when I said I was starting a business, I meant I was starting a business," She dumped the remainder of her quarters with the rest before swiping them all off of her desk and into the bag she held at the edge. "Whatever, thirteen-something is more than enough." She muttered to herself.

    "I still can't believe you made that much. You're so dedicated."

She scoffed and reached her arm out to the walkie to answer. "It's nothing. I make stuff all the time. Now I'm just... making money off of it."

"When will you start selling shirts and dresses?"

Doc answered him as she picked up her bag, exiting her room and down the stairs. "Soon. I've got the sizing down, I'm just still focusing on my logo. I don't know if I want it to be 'Doc' or some kind of symbol. I'll figure it out."

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