Chapter Four: The Best Night of the Year

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Warnings: brief violence, mentions of suicide (Lucas's little comment)

Word Count: 3435

Karen sighed and checked her watch once again and glanced up past the staircase for her daughter. As soon as she came home from school, she zoomed up to her bedroom, skates still on and all, and shut herself inside. She knew Doc hadn't yet finished her costume and that was no doubt what she was working on, but the sky was starting to darken and she didn't want the kids out too late. She had called that up to her three times already and Doc had reassured her every time that she was almost done.

"(Y/N), come on now!"

"Okay, okay, here I come!" Doc called back before the sound of a door opening and closing could be heard. At the sound, Mike, Dustin and Lucas all rushed over to the staircase to see the costume Doc had yet to mention.

Mike's face fell when his sister came down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. Karen gasped and readied her camera as Doc carefully stepped off the last stair. "Oh, sweetheart, you look amazing!"

"Awesome." Dustin grinned.

"So cool." Lucas agreed.

"What the hell?!" Mike exclaimed at his sister, who was wearing a matching Ghostbusters costume. Only her costume was homemade, with the patches sewn onto a jumpsuit the same color as theirs, much like Will's. Her name tag, rather than displaying one of the character's names, said Doc on it. "What are you wearing?!"

Doc did a little spin on her skates as Karen excitedly took pictures. "I'm a rollin' Ghostbuster! Made it myself. Not the proton pack and the ghost trap, though. Mom bought those separately."

Mike whirled on his mother. "You knew about this?!"

"Oh, hush, Michael. She looks adorable." Karen rolled her eyes.

"We didn't plan this!"

Doc's grin dropped as she turned to her brother. "It's Halloween, Mike, why did there need to be a discussion?"

"There's only four Ghostbusters!"

"And there's only one Venkman!"

Karen held her hands out toward her children. "That's enough, you two."

"Come on, Mike," Lucas sighed. "Leave her alone, man. She spent a lot of time on the costume and she looks awesome."

"Thank you, Lucas." Doc smiled, skating past her brother and to the front door. Mike glared at the spot she once stood before following his friends out the door. Just as the door closed behind them, Jonathan's car pulled up and honked. The four of them happily waved and crossed the street, waiting on Will.

When he got out of the car, Doc's eyes lit up. He crossed the street as the boys began to cheer for him, but he was only focused on her. "Wow, (Y/N). You made that?"

"Yeah," She blushed and looked down at herself. "You like it?"

Will chuckled as she did a spin once again. "It's so cool."

"You ready for tonight?" Lucas asked as they began their way down the street.

"I'm always ready for the best night of the year."

When the three boys smiled and turned away, Will quickly pressed a kiss to Doc's cheek. Softly gasping, she smiled a smile so wide, her face could have split in two.


"If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself." Lucas sighed out as the five walked away from a house they had just gotten candy from. The very nice woman had brought their spirits down just a bit when she gushed about them being 'cute little exterminators'.

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