Chapter Three: Trick or Treat, Freak

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A/N: Enjoy!

Warnings: PTSD, corpses, blood, mentions of alcohol

Word Count: 4025

"Were you two friends? Was she nice to you or anything?"

The two police officers got nothing but a glare from Doc in response. It had been a solid ten minutes since they stepped into the girl's hospital room, introducing themselves and politely asking if they could ask her a few questions. Doc had been hesitant to answer, looking to Karen with pleading eyes, but her mother only nodded at her.

The only thing the two had been able to get out of her was her legal first and last name. Every other question was met with a silent death glare. As if she were testing them, daring them to ask her the specific questions they oh-so wanted to.

"(Y/N), it would be very helpful to us if you would answer our questions as best you can," A female officer gently spoke. The woman appeared to be the same ethnicity as Doc, no doubt an attempt to get the girl comfortable enough to answer. But she was no fool. "Now, do you know-"

"I don't know where she is," Doc snapped, slowly leaning forward. "You can ask me until you run out of air to breathe and I will keep saying it. I. Don't. Know. Where. She. Is."

"What that-"

"And even if I did, I wouldn't ever tell you."

The woman took a deep breath. "What that girl told you, whatever stories she told you, were lies. She is not your friend and she is to not be trusted. She is a very dangerous individual, and it would be safer for you and the people you know if we knew where to find her."

When Doc continued to stare in silence, the male officer stepped forward with a patient look. "Please, (Y/N). We only want to help you. That girl could have easily put you in danger already. If we allow her to get back to whoever sent her, there is no telling what could happen. Was there absolutely any clue she gave you as to where she might have gone?"

"You're better off asking me what the capital of Kentucky is."

The officers stared at her in exasperation. "We-"

"It's Frankfort."

The man sighed out. "What exactly did she ever speak to you about?"


"You talked about nothing?"

"We talked about nothing."

He tilted his head. "So, you two never got to know each other? You never found out anything you had in common? Didn't bond over shared interests? Shared talents? She truly wasn't your friend?"

The memories made within that week of Doc finding El, learning just how alike they were, giving her a makeover, searching the woods for her, going into the Void with her, they all sent tears to the edges of her eyes. Losing El was hard enough, but having to lie about her was worse. What was the worst for Doc was the thought that these people could snatch her away from her mother right here and right now. She had already been revealed to Dr Martin Brenner hours ago.

But she also knew that legally, these people couldn't do anything to her. Legally, she was safer than Eleven was. She was legally someone's child and they couldn't touch her, not if Karen had anything to say about it. And she most certainly would. Doc knew that these police officers knew this.

Which was why she was acting so damn bold.

"Why do you keep asking me the same questions like I'm an idiot? I heard you the first six times. Why do you keep harassing me? I am in the hospital."

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