Chapter Seven: Will the Wise

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Warnings: violence and blood

Word Count: 4505

Will and Doc were in the same state when Mike and Lucas found them outside. The two boys ran up to them and confusedly stared between them. Will's eyelids were still fluttering wildly, his body stiff as a board. Doc's hands were held tightly in his, the girl staring at him with her jaw dropped and wide eyes twitching every other second. She looked horrified, but also sick to her stomach. They were both still and silent, as if they weren't even there with them.

"Doc, what's wrong?" Mike asked his sister, but she didn't answer. He tried shaking her, then Will, but to no avail. He whirled to Lucas. "Go get help!"

Lucas nodded and rushed back inside the school. When he burst inside, Dustin and Max were standing there with Joyce, who looked worried out of her mind. He only needed to say one thing to have them following.

"The field."

When the four of them ran onto the field, Mike took his eyes away from the stand-still figures. "I just found them like this! I think he's having another episode! I-I don't know what's wrong with her!"

"(Y/N)?" Joyce tried to turn the girl's head to her, but Doc wasn't budging. "(Y/N), what's going on? What's wrong, honey?"

Her (e/c) eyes hadn't strayed away from Will for even a second. Every single part of her focus was on him. That horrified look was frozen on her face. She looked like she was in pain, like she couldn't escape, but she also seemed to be in a trance. Joyce reached between the two and held Will's face between her hands. "Will?! Will! Will!"

Joyce's pleas couldn't be heard where Doc and Will were. They were still within the dark, within the cold. The shadow was still forcing its way into Will, so urgent that its presence mostly blocked Will from Doc's vision. When the girl got glimpses of the poor boy, she could see that he was still staring at her. Not once had the two broken eye contact. The longer Doc helplessly watched him, the faster she saw the light within his eyes dim.

"Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom!" Joyce tried shaking her son. "Will!"

Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Max surrounded the three, all staring in unease. At some point, they had noticed that Will's fingernails were digging into Doc's hands.

"Will, wake up! Do you hear me?"

The grip he had on them was so violent that his nails broke skin, blood starting to leak from her hands.

"Will, please, just wake up! Please, wake up!"

Doc didn't react, she hadn't even flinched. In fact, they were sure she couldn't even feel the blood spilling down her hands and dripping onto the grass below them.

"It's Mom! It's me!"

She was still stuck in that place with Will. The shadow had reached its end and completely found its way into Will's body. With the shadow gone from her vision, she was finally able to see his full face. Will, at first, stood there in stunned silence, as if he was figuring out what was happening. Then, when he blinked and took one look at Doc, his eyes turned cold. Before she could do anything, he shoved her in the chest, the girl falling back.

Doc's surroundings went back to normal once Will opened his eyes with a gasp. As soon as he freed her hands, she fell back onto the ground with a harsh thud. Her body trembled and soft whimpers escaped from her lips as Mike dropped down beside her. "Doc?! Doc, are you okay?!" He fussed over her, pulling on his sleeve a bit to wipe at her face. She hadn't even realized she was crying.

Not being able to get a word out of her, Mike and Lucas helped her to her feet and guided her back inside the school behind Joyce, who was guiding Will. The walk down the hallways was completely silent. Doc was still shaking, but she found some comfort in Mike, who had his arms wrapped around her as they walked. Though she didn't look at her, she could feel Max's worried eyes on her.

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