Chapter Fourteen: Shirley and Speedy

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A/N: Just a heads up, this is the second longest chapter in this entire book

Warnings: violence, guns, gunshots, PTSD, panic attack, alcohol, mentions of murder, blood, suicide/suicidal thoughts and death/dying

Word Count: 9542

"It's me."

Besides Jane, the only thing within the Void was the radio she recognized from Hopper's cabin. The radio that always beeped with morse code to alert her of the Chief's whereabouts. She slowly approached it as his voice continued to speak.

    "I know that I've been gone too long, and, uh... I just want you to know that it's not because of you. And it's not because of our fight."

The last time she had heard anything from that radio was Halloween night, when Hopper broke his promise.

    "Something came up and, uh, I'll explain everything soon. I just, um... I want you to know that I'm not- I'm not mad at you. I..."

A lump formed in her throat as she stopped in front of the radio, listening to Hopper's voice start to tremble the longer he spoke.

    "I'm just sorry."

Suddenly, a hand grabbed hold of her shoulder. Snapping her eyes open, Jane found herself in Kali's room. Her sister was gently smiling at her and sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. "It's okay. It's only me," She watched Jane sit up confusedly, her eyes moving from the sunlight that poured in from the windows, to (Y/N), who was lacing up her skates on the other side of the room. "Bad dream?"

"What time is it?"

"It's late. You two slept well. (Y/N) here was snoring up a storm."

(Y/N) could be heard playfully scoffing as she stood up straight, her fists on her hips. "I was not."

Kali chuckled. "Alright. Come. It's time for you guys to meet my friends. Properly this time."

Jane and (Y/N) shared a look as Kali stood from the bed and began out of the room. Hurriedly, Jane put on her shoes and jacket before the three began their descent down the stairs. The graffiti painting the walls was much more prominent with the natural light shining on them. The two of them assessed their surroundings as Kali led them into a room where the four from the previous night were gathered around a table. Axel walked up to them with a container of Chinese food in his hand.

"We need more money, Kal. I can't keep eating this garbage."

"This is Axel." Kali ignored his comment as they walked further into the room.

"The spider hater?" Jane asked as (Y/N) mockingly smirked at him. He sarcastically sent her smirk right back to her as he walked to the other side of the room. Crazy Hair was sitting at the table and waving to them with a smile.

"This is Dottie, our newest. Like you, she just left home."

"You mean the loony bin." Axel threw out.

Kali nodded to Afro, who was also sat at the table and occupied by some paper she was writing on. "Mick, our eyes, our protector."

Mick gave a nod of acknowledgement before they moved onto the burly man who stood off to the side. Now seeing him more up close, (Y/N) noticed that he was completely bald save for the long braid at the back of his head. "This is Funshine, our warrior," Kali could tell the girls were hesitant as he walked up to them, towering over them with a hardened expression on his face. "Don't let his size frighten you. Fun's a teddy bear."

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