Chapter Two: Moving Forward

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A/N: Hey, y'all! I've been posting this stuff to my socials, but in case you don't see it, there's a link to an important post regarding my fics (including this one) in an announcement on my page. I recommend you read it <3

Warnings: a panic attack, mentions of PTSD, murder, death/dying, blood and alcohol

Word Count: 2732

After the usual routine of weighing him, drawing his blood, taking his blood pressure and taping the wires to his head, Will was fully prepped for his usual talk with his usual doctor. He, Joyce and Hopper all sat in the room in silence, Will laying in the patient's chair until the door to the room opened. In stepped Dr Sam Owens, a small smile on his face.

     "Sir Will, how are you? Mom, Pop," He greeted the three before moving over beside Will, sitting down in a nearby chair and scanning his folder. "Let's take a look, see what's going on here. I see you shaved off a pound since we saw you last. Must be making room for all that Halloween candy," He joked, receiving a quiet scoff of amusement from Will. "What's your favorite candy? Desert island candy, if you had to pick one?"

"I don't know." Will shrugged.

"Come on. Life or death situation, what would you pick?"

"I guess, uh," He glanced over at Joyce, who mouthed a random candy name to him. "Reese's Pieces."

"Good call. Good call," Owens looked up from his folder. "I'm more of a Mounds guy, but I gotta say, peanut butter and chocolate, come on, hard to beat that. Alright, tell me what's going on with you. Tell me about this episode you had."

There was a bit of silence before the boy answered, "Well, my friends were there and then they just weren't, and I was back there again."

"In the Upside Down?" Owens asked, Will nodding. "Alright, so what happened next?"

"I heard this noise, and so I went outside, and it was worse."

"How was worse?"

"There was this storm."

"Okay. So, how did you feel when you saw the storm?"

Will narrowed his eyes. "I felt... frozen."

"Heart racing?"

"Just frozen."

"Frozen, cold frozen? Frozen to the touch?"

"No," He shook his head. "Like how you feel when you're scared, and you can't breathe or talk or do anything. I felt... felt this evil, like it was looking at me."

"It was evil? Well," Owens shifted and cleared his throat. "What do you think the evil wanted?"

"To kill."

"To kill you?"

"Not me," Will whispered, making eye contact with the doctor. "Everyone else."

A silence fell over the room as Hopper and Joyce shifted in their seats. Dr Owens blinked before slowly nodding. "Okay... so, when did you come out of this episode? Was there anyone with you when you shook yourself out of it?"

Will hesitated. He had failed to mention that he had seen Doc in the Upside Down with him. He had heard her, had felt her. And while he knew it wasn't best to keep certain information from the doctor, it was dangerous for more people to know about her. What she was and what she could do. So, Will decided to only be half honest.

"Yeah," He cleared his throat. "My friend, (Y/N). She found me outside. When she touched my arm, I was back here. I didn't even know she was there."

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