Chapter Ten: Terry and Carrie

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A/N: Can we get through a chapter without our bby girl? Of course, we can.

Warnings: lack of Doc, childbirth, sedation, electroshock therapy, blood, guns, gunshots, implied suicide attempt, mentions of death/dying and seizures

Word Count: 5284

Bob set down a map, some notes and a ruler on Joyce's kitchen table. He fished a pencil out of his pocket and began to mark down more notes. "Alright, I'm 3.6 inches, what do you got?" He called out.

"I'm not sure!" Mike called from Joyce's bedroom, holding the end of a tape measure to the shape of Lovers' Lake, which was now labeled. "Mrs Byers?"

"Hold on." Joyce called back, holding the other end of the tape measure and hurrying down the hall, stopping at a shape that was labeled for Tippecanoe. "Twenty-one feet, four inches!"

"What about Tippecanoe to Danford Creek?" Bob asked.

Joyce sighed. "Da- Danford? Where's Danford?"

"Dining room!" Will called out from said room. He headed over to the label for Danford Creek and stood beside it so Joyce could see. She hurried over to him and held the tape measure up to it.

"Sixteen feet, ten inches."

Bob looked up at her. "What about Danford to Jordan?"

Joyce gathered the rest of the tape measure and walked up to Bob with a sigh of exhaustion. "Oh, come on. This has gotta be enough."

"It's not. It's... It's really not."

"Can't you figure it out?"

"Well, it's- it's hard. The ratio isn't exactly one-to-one. I mean, if you're twisting my arm, and you are twisting my arm, I would say that the X is..." Bob aligned the ruler along the map and made a few marks on it with his pen. "...maybe half a mile southeast of Danford?"

Joyce grinned and grabbed Bob's face, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. Thank you." She picked up the map and rushed out of the kitchen, Will and Mike following without a word. Bob sat there in confusion at first before getting up and following.

"What? Are we... we really going?"

Meanwhile at the Wheeler home, Ted sat in his recliner and read the paper as he half-listened to the sound of Karen talking on the phone for however long she was talking on the phone. In the middle of her conversation, the doorbell rang.

"Just a second, Cath," Karen removed the phone from her ear and placed a hand over it. "Ted, can you get that, please?" She called out as the ringing became more insistent. She returned to her call as Ted slowly stood up from his very comfortable chair.

"I got it." He mumbled, taking his time to walk to the front door, opening it to reveal Dustin, who looked worn out.

"Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr Wheeler. Do you realize this?"

"Oh, I do realize."

"Is Mike home?"


"No? Well, where the hell is he?"

Ted turned his head inside. "Karen, where's our son?!"

"Will's!" Karen shouted.

He looked back to Dustin. "Will's."

The boy sighed. "No one's picking up there. Is (Y/N) with him?"

"Karen, is (Y/N) with Michael?!"

"No! She's at Sheriece's!"

Ted looked back to Dustin. "No. She's at Sheriece's."

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