Chapter Eighteen: The Sacrifice

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A/N: And finally, Chapter Eighteen! Thank you so much to everyone who stuck around for the sequel. I know, with the news of Will's confirmed sexuality, his relationship with Doc kinda lost me some readers, but I promise that I'm working on that. You'll see a lot of changes for them in S3. I'm not ignoring it, I promise.

This sequel was written at a very weird time for me. I had a lot of personal things going on (as per usual) and writing was a really good outlet for me at that time. So, there was a lot of love that went into these 18 chapters and I hope y'all see that. I'm not sure when exactly the third installment will be out. I'm very stressed at college right now and I'm finding it hard to make time to write, but I can surely tell you that it won't take forever because I won't allow that.

For now, though, thank you so so so so much and enjoy this final chapter of "Break and Mend"! Much love to you beautiful people ❤️❤️

Warnings: violence and guns, mentions of seizures, blood and death/dying

Word Count: 9702

Steve was the last to drop down into the hollowness of the tunnels. He had geared up the same as the kids with protection over his eyes and mouth from the toxins in the air. "Holy shit." He whispered to himself, taking in the sight of the tunnel with what light the kids provided with their flashlights. Mike's light was directed to the map of the area he had drawn.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." He called out.

"You're pretty sure or you're certain?" Dustin asked as Steve hurriedly made his way to the bag on the ground and picked it up. Mike quickly whirled on Dustin with his light.

"I'm one-hundred percent sure. Just follow me and you'll know."

When he began further down the tunnel, Steve was right on his heels, his own flashlight turned on now. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey, hey! I don't think so," He stopped the boy, coming up to stand in front of him. "Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?" He took the map from Mike and turned to the kids behind them. "From here on out, I'm leading the way! Come on, let's go!"

Steve turned around and began down the direction Mike had started, and the kids went marching one by one right behind him.


El briskly kept up with Hopper's pace as the two quietly and hurriedly made their way down the hallways of the lab, Hopper leading her with his flashlight and gun in front of him. It was exactly how they left it, except for the Demodogs no longer around every corner. Still, they remained alert just in case they were proven wrong.

Hopper turned and led El down a stairwell, but he froze at the blood smeared on the railing of the next flight down, trailing down the steps and onto the floor. "Stay here." He commanded her before cautiously walking down the steps. When he rounded to the next flight, he spotted a very familiar body slumped to the ground.

"Oh, shit."

Dr Owens sat against the wall, his shirt and pant leg bloody with the nasty wounds given to him presumably by the Demodogs he had tried to escape. "Hey, doc." Hopper whispered out as he set his gun down, slowly crouching in front of him. He shone his light on his still-bleeding leg as Dr Ownes sighed out. "Those suckers got you pretty good, huh?"

Owens opened his mouth to reply, but he was too exhausted and in pain to let out any words.

"It's okay, don't talk," Hopper unzipped his jacket and moved to take off his belt. "Don't talk. I got you. I got you... I got you."

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