Chapter Five: The Pollywog

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Warnings: mentions of violence

Word Count: 1910

"Rise and shine."

El's eyes fluttered open at the sound of a voice. Glancing over and seeing Hopper in her doorway, she silently turned her back to him. "So, that's it, huh? You're still not talking?"

No answer.

"Alright. I guess I'm just gonna have to, uh... enjoy this triple-decker Eggo extravaganza on my own." He shrugged and left the room, knowing El had been sold without even seeing her widened eyes. A couple minutes later, she had joined him at the table and was watching him cut into the three Eggo waffles that had been topped with whipped cream and the candy Hopper hadn't eaten the night before. As El began to eat, he licked the whipped cream off of the butter knife with a groan. "Good, right? Know the great thing about it? It's only 8,000 calories."

El only stared back at him, uninterested. With a twist of his lips, Hopper moved his gaze to the lounge room, where the cord to the television still tracked its way into her bedroom. "You visited them again?"

She hesitated. "He says he needs me. He hurt her. He didn't mean to."

"Want me to check on them again?"


"I always check on her," He watched El shake her head in response. "I know you miss them, alright? But it's too dangerous. You're the last thing they need right now. You're gonna see them. Soon. And not just in that head of yours. You're gonna see them in real life. I feel like I'm making progress with these people."

El frowned and leaned forward. "Friends don't lie."


"You say 'soon' on day 21. You say 'soon' on day 205. You now say 'soon' on day 326?"

"What is this? You're, like, counting the days now like you're some kind of prisoner?" Hopper fiddled with the buttons of his shirt nervously.

"When is 'soon'?" She pressed.

He shrugged. "'Soon' is when... it's not dangerous anymore."


"I don't know."

"On day 500?"

"I don't know-"

"On day 600?"

"I don't know-"

"Day 700?! On day 800?!"


"I need to see them!"

"I said I-" Hopper was cut off when El jerked her head up, sending their very unhealthy breakfast across the table and all over his clothing. He jumped up in shock. "Oh! Shit! Shit!"

El stood up as well, fury in her eyes. "Friends. Don't. Lie!" She hissed before storming back into her bedroom, waving her hand behind her to slam the door. In anger, Hopper harshly kicked the table, staring in the direction she had just gone.


After volunteering to take Will to school, Bob found himself in a silent car ride with the boy, save for the quiet music he was playing. Will had barely spoken a word, too caught up in his own thoughts as he stared out of his window. "Was that you I heard milling around last night, or was that a ghost?" He lightly joked. Will briefly turned to him.

"Yeah. Me, probably."

Bob nodded. "Another nightmare?"

"Um... no." Will turned back to the window.

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