Chapter Fifteen: The Mind Flayer

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A/N: Back in our no Doc era...

Warnings: no Doc, sedation, blood, violence, guns, gunshots, child abuse, character death (RIP Bob), mentions of death/dying

Word Count: 4931

The blaring of the alarms throughout the lab caught the attention of Bob and Mike, the former still trying to calm the boy. Mike looked up with a start. "We're too late." He whispered. Bob frowned at him.


"We're too late!"

Mike took off down the hall and into Will's room, where Joyce was confusedly walking towards him. "What's going on?"

"We're under attack." He rushed to a counter and picked up a syringe. "We need to make Will sleep."


"He's a spy. If he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster."

Will stared at Mike with wide eyes, moving to sit up. "He's lying!"

"He killed those soldiers. He'll kill us, too!"

"He's lying!" Will thrashed about against Joyce and Bob's hands. "He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!"

Suddenly, the blast of gunshots could be heard from outside the room.

"Those are gunshots!" Bob warned. They had little time to focus on that when Will was still screaming at the top of his lungs.

"He's lying! He's lying!"

Joyce quickly turned to her son. "Okay, Will, Will, listen, listen. Do you know who I am?"

Will ceased his screaming, staring at her with big, dark eyes that used to glisten in the light. His breathing was labored and he tried to put away his teeth that he was baring. But he hadn't answered the question yet.

"Do you know who I am?!"


Joyce was already beginning to lose hope that Will was still there.

"You're... You're Mom."

The pause was too long, he hesitated too much to be trusted. Joyce turned to Bob with a hardened look. "Hold him down."

Will whimpered out and followed her with his eyes as Bob held him down. "No! No! Let go! No! No!"

His screaming got louder as Joyce filled the syringe and made her way back to the bed. "Let me go! Let me go! No, let me go!"

"I'm sorry," She whispered as she pulled up his sleeve. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

"Let me go! Let go! Let me go!"

Mike covered his ears as he watched Joyce stick him with the needle.

"No! Let go! Let me go... Let me go..."

Just as his body went limp, Hopper and Dr Owens burst into the room with panting breaths. Hopper took one look at Will and then the syringe in Joyce's hand to know what happened. What had to happen. His attention was pulled back outside where the doors down the hall were being busted open. "We gotta go. We gotta go." Hopper rushed over to Will and picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder and rushing out of the room. Joyce swiped another bottle of anesthesia and followed him out.

The lot of them rushed down a hallway where several scientists were fleeing. They would have been right there behind them had a body not slid across the floor followed by an inhumane snarl. Hopper stopped, forcing everyone behind him to do the same. On their other side, guards were shooting at more of the monsters that invaded the lab. They were directed into a room right in front of them by Dr Owens, locking themselves in. Hopper gently and carefully laid Will on a table.

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