Chapter Six: Easy-Peasy

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A/N: By the time this chapter is posted, I would've been a week into living in my dorm and a week into my second year of college. Which means that I'll be a lot more productive writing-wise!

Warnings: PTSD, blood, corpses, mentions of murder and vomit

Word Count: 3212

Dustin set his ghost trap prop upon Mr Clarke's desk with a grin. "This is the reason I was late for class."

Mr Clarke glanced down at the contraption before him. "Pretty neat. These doors function?"

"Well, yeah, obviously. But it's not about the trap. It's what's inside. Now, this very well may change your perception of the world."

"Consider my interest piqued." Mr Clarke shrugged with a warm smile.

"Alright, first, let's just clarify that... this is my discovery, not yours."

Doc rolled her eyes. "Dustin, come on-"

"I'm just trying to clarify-"

"Dustin!" Max cheesed, causing him to relent.

"Okay, fine."

Before any revelation could occur, though, the door to the classroom opened and Mike ran inside with Will behind him. "Stop! I'm sorry, Mr Clarke. It was just a stupid prank. I told him to stop."

"What the hell are you doing?" Dustin frowned when Mike snatched the trap off of the desk.

"We need to go. Right now."

Doc began to follow her brother as he ran out of the room. "Mike?"

"Right now!" Mike led the group back to the AV meet room. When they got there, he flung the door open and ran inside. Doc and Max were the last ones there, but when the redheaded girl came near the door, Mike shook his head at her. "Not her."

Max stopped, her expression downturned. "What?"

When Mike gave his sister a look, she sighed and turned to Max. "I know. I know how messed up this is gonna sound, okay? Just... wait out here, please."

"What the hell-"

"I'm so sorry, Max, we'll be out in a minute." Doc hurried inside and shut the door on Max, locked it and turned to the boys. "Okay... Is this about Dart?" She skeptically asked as she skated to the desk the boys surrounded.

Both Will and Mike nodded. "Will saw something like Dart before."

Doc widened her eyes and turned to her boyfriend. "When?"

Will gulped. "Last year."

"Christmas Eve...?"

Will nodded, Mike narrowing his eyes. "How did you know that?"

Before she could answer, Max loudly banged on the door from the other side. Doc flinched harshly at the noise, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. Mike placed a hand on her back as Will gently rubbed her shoulder.

    "Hello?! Hello?! Guys, come on. Can I come in yet?"

"No!" Mike yelled. Sighing, Lucas stepped closer to the desk in order to lean on it just like the rest of them.

"I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?"

"Kind of," Will quietly answered. "But there was no tail."

"But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." Mike added.

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