23 : Confessions

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April 30th, 20xx

"So, what have we learned here?" my mother asked as she looked at me from across the table.

I sighed. She had been lecturing me all week. There was never a moment where she didn't bring it back to last weekend.

"That I should always call you, let you know where I'm at, and always come home before midnight."

"Good. And if you do it again?"

"You're not going to pay my tuition," I chuckled.

"I'm not. Okay, you're free to go."

She got up from the table and walked to the kitchen. I followed her to hug her from behind. It was during the little moments when my heart ached for our future. We would live in two different spots, rarely seeing or talking to each other, and it made me sad to think about it. So whenever I could, I would show her my affection. She deserved to know that I loved her and I was going to come back to her.

"I love you, I'll be back before midnight."

"You better!"

"It's the weekend but I'm being good for now," I reminded her.

Nodding, she waved her hand at me to just leave. I laughed and did what she signed. I almost walked back inside after getting hit with a gust of wind. As soon as I pulled my phone out to text Oakley I was on my way, it rang.

Change of plans, meet me at the mall he texted.

Kay, I'm going there now, see ya soon I replied.

It was nearing six o'clock but Oakley and I had been waiting to meet up after school this entire week. Since we started going to each other's homes, I felt like there was an empty piece when I went home alone this entire week. Oakley had become my other half.

Unfortunately, while being my other half, he also became someone that I had fallen for. I grimaced as this thought came up. I didn't want to like Oakley, I wish my feelings stayed platonic, but I was the kind of person to fall for anyone who gave me a second glance. I blamed it on Taylor. Or maybe my parents.

I knew I couldn't be with Oakley, it wouldn't work out the way I would want it to. Oakley didn't deem me as someone important to him. While I know that it was a stretch to think, I knew that I wouldn't reach his standards. Something about Oakley had me thinking he thought deeper than he believed, everything was placed into brackets.

A bracket for important people. A bracket for queer topics. A bracket for school. A bracket for his family. But there was no bracket where I belonged.

Maybe he had a spare friends bracket that I hadn't seen but then again, Oakley didn't talk to many other students outside of school. I was the only one and maybe that had to do with his family. Our families weren't the typical ones but that could be because we weren't technically made to fit the standards of the hetero world.

"Somer!" Oakley called me out of my trance.

I looked up from the floor to see him sitting in the small skate park. I raised an eyebrow but didn't question him. He was a strange person and even stranger now that the barrier between us had broken down. Something about that phone call that made him weep had changed him and it was a good one.

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