25: Small Moments

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May 13th, 20xx

Warmth flooded my cheeks as I stood outside Oakley's apartment complex. I decided that I would meet Oakley so we could go to the corner store for snacks before going to the bus stop. I'd be on a time-sensitive schedule but we could spend more time together, which made up for it.

We would also have enough time to make up our minds about ditching school. Just thinking about ditching had my palms clamming. I had never missed a single day of school because I wanted to be one of those few students who stood proudly at graduation. One of the only places where others could be jealous of an achievement that was harder than most. 

"Somer," Oakley called as soon as his door opened.

The sun had hit his beautiful eyes perfectly. The blueness in them almost matched the sky. The kind of sky that's almost clear with a breeze softly passing by. With clouds in the sky but not enough that it covered the warmth the sun offered.

"Oakley," I replied.

I loved that kind of sky. It felt as if the world was right again. It felt as if my life was how it was before anything bad had happened. It was perfect and Oakley's eyes were beginning to feel that way. 

He turned to lock his door and I smiled up at him. I watched as he quickly made his way down the stairs. Once he was in front of me, he easily took my hand while I could only stare at our intertwined fingers. There was no hesitation with him, he easily claimed what he wanted.

I could only hope to become like that one day.

"Sorry, Mom had me do a few chores before I left since she and Willow are going for a checkup later today."

"How's Willow?" 

As we talked, we made our way to the corner store. I rarely went there as I was too busy to get to the bus or get home; the few times I had gone were when I met up with my friends. But Oakley seemed to know the distance like it was the back of his hand. His steps were calm as he maintained a steady conversation with me.

"She's good. Still walking around and laughing and eating well. Mom thinks they're going to take the bandages off now. Can I...tell you something I haven't spoken about before?" 

"Sure, hit me. But don't actually hit me. I'm too weak for that."

Oakley just laughed before he told me what was on his mind. "I didn't know that blood could do that to a face. The whole, rush to one side thing. I hope that I didn't look nervous around her because I was nervous. And scared. I mean, I love my sister but to see a sudden lopsided face when you're not used to it...it's different."

"I get what you mean. I'm sure she didn't see you as nervous."

"I couldn't look at her. I felt embarrassed and worried she'd see how grossed out I was. I mean, I love her and I always will, but I couldn't manage it. And it's not an actual gross feeling, it's more like..."


"Yes, but something more. Like...deeper worrying. Like, I know why she looks like that, and knowing she could've died makes that gross feeling grow."

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