Chapter 1: new boy

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it was the last day of school. you were so excited to finally be getting out of class for 3 months and being able to spend more time with friends and doing the things you enjoy the most. this school year wasn't particularly bad, but school was never fun. all you did was sit in class and force your eyes to stay open while listening to lecture after lecture.

you and your best friend sadie were in your last class together, impatiently tapping your pens against the table.

sadie whispered, "how much longer?"

you looked under your desk to where you were hiding your phone. "two more minutes." you responded.

"i absolutely can't wait," sadie continued "this year has felt so long and i am so ready for it to be over. i have so many plans."

you give her an excited glance, "i know, me too, we're going to spend most of it together right?"

"pfffttt are you kidding? there's no one i'd rather spend my summer with."

"me too." you gave her a smile.

just then the bell rang. it was finally summer time.

"meet at the usual spot?" you ask.

"you know it."

you and sadie sprung out of your seats and gave each other a high five before sprinting out of the door. you both shoved all your belongings into your backpacks and hurried to your designated meeting spot that you've used all year.

"ready?" sadie asked in delight.

"so ready." you linked arms with her and started walking out of the building for the last time this year. you were laughing and smiling in celebration, then you paused and turned around to face the building.

"until next year." you said.

"yea, senior year." sadie added. you looked at each other and smiled and continued off to your cars. you parked right next to each other that day so it would be easier for sadie to follow you home. you two have a tradition where you always have a sleepover on the last day of school to celebrate another successful, or somewhat successful, school year.

you had a last minute idea for the nights sleepover so you decided to call sadie quick at a stoplight.

ring ring.

"yea, what's up?"

you looked in the rear view mirror as you spoke to her through the phone. "do you wanna stop at meijer quick and pick out a ton of shit that we can eat tonight?"

"uuummm yea i do! let's go."

the light turned green so you hung up the phone and began driving again. you took a quick left which took you on the path to meijer and then turned into the parking lot. once again sadie parked right next to you.

as you both locked your cars and began walking, you explained, "i'm thinking like a ton of sugary type candy or something, idk i'm craving something sweet."

"honestly whatever," sadie responded "i'll like anything."

"alright." you said. you both entered the store, weaving your way over to the snack/candy aisle.

"ok so we 100% need sour patch kids, that's just tradition," sadie mentioned, "and maybe we can get something salty too like popcorn or chips."

you nodded your head in agreement. "yea yea, can we get the boomchikapop popcorn? i love that stuff."

"sure, i like that stuff too."

you grab your essentials and walk over to the checkout to pay. on your way back home you were jamming to music and teasing sadie by driving super slow for no reason. she flipped you off and you laughed and did it back. you looked in the rear view mirror and she was laughing too. finally you arrived at your house and both unloaded the vehicles.

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