Chapter 5: friends

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you heard a ring in the air and saw the door opened. you glanced up to see three boys walk in. you did a double take and saw matt.

the triplets!

you were so happy to see them again because you didn't know if you ever would. you had to shove your happiness aside as they walked up to take their order.

"hey, welcome to panera, what can i get started for you?" you recited again. you were glancing at matt and he was looking down, fidgeting with one of his rings. nick was ordering again for the three of them. you thought you recognized it as the same thing as yesterday. kinda funny.

"alright, anything else for you guys?" you asked them. you saw chris elbow matt in the arm and he looked up. he seemed nervous. you saw him swallow and he started to say something. but he seemed conflicted.

"um no." the nervous boy said.

"ok for.. sturniolos?" you asked.

"yea.. you remembered?" matt asked with a pleasant smile, stepping forward.

"yea, my coworker cody said he knew you guys from youtube so i decided to look you guys up. you're pretty funny." you laughed as you said that.

"oh well thanks, there uhh.. there actually was something i was wondering."

"sure! anything." you responded.

"um.. i was wondering if.. you had like instagram or something?"

oh. matt wanted my instagram! you thought. you smiled and felt a little jolt of happiness inside you, and shoved it down really quick again.

"oh, yea i do! it's.." you gave him your instagram username and he followed you. you pulled out your phone and saw the notification "@matthewsturniolo requested to follow you". you quickly accepted his request and followed him back.

"thanks." he said to you with a smile. it made you blush a little bit. he was so cute.

"yea, have a great day you guys." you said. they all thanked you and sat down at the same place as yesterday.

as you continued to work you got two more notifications on your phone. you pulled it out quick and saw that chris and nick also requested to follow you.

wow, this is insane. you thought. you accepted their requests and also followed them back. then you slipped your phone away and went back to work.

your shift went fast again, and you were thankful. you packed up your stuff and headed home for the night. since you only worked until 7, you still had some time left so you decided to stop at starbucks on the way back. you got your favorite drink and sipped it all the way home.

"hey mom." you said as you entered your home.

"hey hun, how was work?"

"it was really good today actually." you said as you remembered the days events.

"oh that's great! anything in particular tha made it so special?"

you wondered if you should tell her what happened, but decided against it because you remembered connor.

"nope, it just went pretty fast." you decided on. you made your way over to the stairs to put your stuff away.

"we'll i'm glad to hear it." your mom said as you started up the stairs.

you hopped on your bed and took another sip of your drink. you decided to text sadie and tell her what happened


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