On the ninth cloud! or not! Adrian Vs. Chazz! part 1

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Normal p.o.v.

Re Chapter: 

Suddenly the alarm got off. Viper rushed over to the computer and asked for the views on the security cameras. A lot of pictures was shown and on one of them, was Adrian Gecko shown.

"Well well Mr. Gecko!" said Viper out loud "Looks like you are next!".

Jaden's p.o.v.

Jaden was standing in the infirmary and was looking concerned at Hassleberry and his sister. Miss Fortaine had just equipped them to a CT scanner, to follow their heart rate, and a oxygen mask. Jaden couldn't believe what he was seeing. Had it been that bad that time with him as well? Miss Fortaine sighed.

"This is exactly like you Jaden!" She said, like she had read his mind "Suddenly fatigue after a duel! This just not ads up!". Jaden looked worried at Tara. 

"I still think it is these Bio bands!" Jim said. He was carrying Shirley in his backpack. "Remember when I told you they lit up, after the duel! I think that the reason they suddenly went so tired!". The others nodded a little.

"Jaden!" whispered a voice suddenly. Jaden turned towards the voice, and noticed Tara. She was moving a little bit, but had still her eyes closed. Jaden figured she was still dreaming. The others noticed this as well. 

"Jaden!" yelled Tara a lot louder this time "It.. It hurts! Brother!". She was tossing around a little in the bed. Jaden rushed over to her side. 

"Tara! Tara it is okay!" He said and took her hand "I am here! I am with you!". 

"Jaden!" She said and relaxed again "Jaden.. Jay!". Then she went quiet again. Jaden looked worried at his sister. He took a chair and decided to stay by her side. Until he was sure she would get better. The others were talking in the background. Something about confronting Viper about these bio bands. Jaden was only half listening. 

Normal p.o.v.

"Are you sure!" asked Crowler, miss Fortaine. She nodded. They were assembled in the teacher loge. The only one who was there was, Fortaine, Crowler and Bonaparte, but she was trying to tell them about the bio band theory, Jim came out with. 

"Students are collapsing left and right!" Fortaine said "All after a duel! We must do something!". Crowler looked at Fortaine.

"Maybe they just were no champion material! I am no Viper fan! But maybe this school really needs some discipline!". Bonaparte snort angry. 

"Well I think we shall stop this! Unlike you two I care about these kids!". However then Viper appeared. He said he was send here, to make them better students, so if they really wanted to help them, they should stop sheltering them. However before any could argue, Viper left. He had a little student, he needed to talk to. 

Adrian's p.o.v.

Adrian was standing at the top roof (The place Jaden and Tara was hanging out) and was looking out in the horisont. He was holding his voice recorder with his latest input about his theory about Viper. However Adrian actually didn't care right now. He was looking at a special dorm a little away. Slifer red dorm. He had actually been spying on Ember as well, and her little friend Jesse. Adrian wouldn't admit it, but he was actually jealous. Ember seem to care about Jesse, more than she did him. Adrian clenched his fist. He squeezed his eyes and saw a familiar figure walk out of Jaden's room. It was a boy with blue hair. Adrian sneered. Jesse! Then five seconds rushed Ember out and gave him a surprising hug. Then Ember waved at him, when Jesse left towards the school. Ember stayed behind. Adrian was a little surprised. Why did she stay behind? However now it was the perfect time to talk to her, without Jesse. He was about to turn around and walk down from the roof, when he heard a coughing voice behind him. Viper was walking over to him. Adrian was a little surprised. 

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