The submarine adventure!! Danger is lurking everywhere!!

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Adrian's p.o.v.

After walking endlessly around in the hallways of the school, Adrian returned to the library. He sighed deeply. He couldn't find the creepy arm thing anywhere. However when he arrived inside the library, he could see that some light was lit up a little away from where he was. Adrian walked closer and saw a kid, sitting on a throne and candles were lit around him. Adrian walked closer. 

"Aren't you that kid Marcel?!" He asked "What are you doing here?!". Marcel looked up at Adrian and smirked. 

"Not anymore!" Marcel said and his voice sounded like he was speaking with two voices. His accent was gone as well "Surprised Adrian! It is me?!". Adrian looked in horror when Marcel moved his new found cape and showed him the creepy arm, attached to Marcel's left arm. 

"Wait you are that creature from the tank?!" Adrian questioned "What in the world did you do to the boy! And second we had a deal! You promised me that you will share all your power with me! So what gives!". The boy grinned a little. 

"Nothing has changed Adrian!" Marcel said "I can still give you the power you desire! All I require is that you follow my every command! As for the boy, well he was the perfect host for me! I possessed him so to speak!". Adrian looked in horror again. Then he looked at Marcel again. 

"I do not have a choice here do I!" Adrian said and sighed. Marcel grinned. 

"Well you have!" He said "However if you refuge, there is no power and no beloved Ember!". Adrian sighed. He nodded a little. If he had take orders from this creature to get Ember and the power! Then so be it!

Ember's p.o.v.

Ember was looking at the line of students who was assembled in the gym. 4 tables with boxes of food and water was placed in the middle of the gyms. Syrus, Alexis, Dorothea and her helper Sadie, was behind the tables, giving food to everyone. Ember was holding a tray as well, however she was not here on her own behalf. She was here because Fortaine had asked her to take some food for the sick once. Blair, Tara, Bastion, Adrian (Ember sneered) and Jaden, who was not gonna leave Tara's side. Ember looked at the line. The sick could get food first, but Ember was not thrilled by going into the crowd all by herself. Jesse was not even with her. He was on the morning patrol. Watching the school for any duel spirits. Ember just took a deep breath. Come on Courage! I can do this! Ember took another breath and walked into the crowd and pushed all the students away. If she asked nicely, Ember was sure all her courage would leave her. She was standing in front of Dorothea. 

"Um food for the sick bay!" Ember said slowly "I have a note from Fortaine!". 

"Oh good! Lets see 6 breads coming up! Fortaine forgot herself!" Dorothea said and placed 6 small breads and 6 small water bottles on the trey. "Oh and don't forget yourself!". She placed one bread on Ember's trey. The other students, who sadly only had one bread and bottle, began arguing. They wanted as much food as Ember! Stating she is cheating and in a minute, she would eat them all herself. Ember just sighed. The students were pretty angry, and Ember understood why. The had to ration their food. Ember looked down and saw Farao. They didn't even have enough for the cat. However Ember quickly got out of the gym, before the students attacked her, because they wanted more food. She rushed towards the infirmary.

Tara's p.o.v.

"I.. I can do this!" mumbled Tara and placed the crutches in front of her. Then she took a step. And then another one, and another one. Fortaine had given her the crutches, and warned her not to walk to much on the strained foot of hers for today. Tara had sighed deeply, but in the end accepted that she had to train retrain it. Jaden was sitting at a chair beside Bastion's bed and was keeping an watchful eye. Tara didn't actually care. If she learns to jump on one leg with solid balance, when she could properly slam the bad duel monster spirit with the crutches. Tara stopped up at Blair's bed. Fortaine was examine her, but Tara knew that she couldn't do a thing for her. Blair had a really high fever, from that weird scratch mark. Tara knew, because she had touched Blair's forehead. That and that she was gasping after air all the time. Tara took another step, back to Jaden and Bastion. Jaden looked worried at her and moved himself from the chair so Tara could sit down. She was kind of happy he did, since she was a little tired. Bastion sighed a little. 

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