A battle of clashing titans part 1

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Hope you like it and get too confused. Jesse is forever Yubel in this chapter, but since Jesse is the one talking mostly, I am using his name. However hope will comment and tell me what you think of it. And thanks for all your support and following. I am really appreciating it.

Normal p.o.v.

Time goes by. The twins and their group of friends had decided to camp out for the night, beside that dark door Jesse/Yubel had walked through together with Ember. Everyone was still sad about the lost of Zane. Zane and all the other people they lost in this dimension. However they all decided they couldn't cry forever. Bastion and Tanja was making dinner over a campfire they had made, while Crowler and Syrus watched the twins who was sitting a little away from them. They said they needed to talk in private. Syrus and Crowler still had a watchful eye on them. After all that had happened here, they just couldn't be to careful.

"What are they doing?" Crowler questioned "What is taking so long?".

"Easy professor, they both had a traumatic experience. That takes time" Syrus began.

"I know Syrus, but I still wished they would hurry it up and beat Yubel so we can go home. I miss my bed" Crowler replied. Syrus didn't comment on that.

"Bastion is it true the twins are the reincarnation of the supreme king?" he instead asked. Bastion and Tanja looked surprised at him.

"You don't believe me?" he questioned and then smiled "All we said in that arena is true. The prophecies and everything. Or so do I believe. The twins has shown incredible powers through our time at DA. Especially when they are together. 1. year they defeated Kagemaru and the shadow riders. 2. year they beat Sartorius and the light of destruction, and now they are trying to save us from another great threat. They can only be the twins from the prophecies".

"Well when you say it like that" Syrus replied and sighed "But I am worried this challenge is to much for them. The twins I mean. This is much more emotionally that all the other battles they had fought so far. I mean Yubel is a duel monster spirits from their past and so". The others nodded.

"Well I always wanted to be able to see spirits" Crowler then suddenly said and sighed "I always were a little jealous of people who could. However after all this I think I have changed my mind". Syrus and the others ignored that comment as well.

"Do you think it is true?" Syrus then questioned "Do you really think the king is not gone? You said the king's powers dwelled inside them, does that mean he never got sent to the stars? Was Axel's sacrifice in vain?". Bastion hummed.

"No I don't think so" he then replied "I still believe a part of the king is sent to the stars. However he might have left the twins some of his powers when he got defeated. After all that is one of the reasons why the twins a have such fear of dueling".

"I hope they learn to control them soon then" Crowler replied "If not Yubel might win and we are all doomed". The others nodded concerned.

Tara's p.o.v.

"Tara pick another card for your deck" Jaden then said and smiled "And not just point at it, but pick it up and show me". Tara sended her brother an annoying look.

"I am trying here" she then said and placed shakingly a hand at the cards who was laid down on the ground beside her. Tara had still not totally gotten over her fear. Yes she had dueled with Zane's card, but it was not fully the same as dueling with her own. These cards in front of her was once the cards who hurt a lot of people after all.

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