Double confrontation. The fight against destiny part 1.

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A,N: Here is the next chapter. I am sorry for the wait. I have decided to lessen my effort of writing since I got a little stressed. So only gonna focus for this story for the moment. There are only hopefully 2 chapters left. However I have decided to make the boss battle a little more different that the episodes. Hope that sounds interesting and that you want to read about it. Have fun reading.

Tara's p.o.v.

Tara was looking rather shocked from the sidelines when Yubel apparently acquired Jaden's super polymerization card. She couldn't believe that this duel has been a set up. She wondered what had happened if she had dueled with her deck against Yubel. Had Yubel been that cunning from the get go? Did she already guess that Jaden was gonna duel or did she believe she could defeat Tara that easily? Tara was not sure, but it really didn't matter. Yubel had Jaden's Super polymerization card now and that what's really important right now. Tara wondered what she was going to do with that card. Whatever it was, it was surely nothing good. Right now Tara was standing beside Crowler and Syrus and was looking down at Ember who was about to wake up. She groaned a little and opened her eyes. She looked up at Tara.

"Tara" she then whispered "Where am.. Oh Yubel and the duel? Am I back?". She rushed up on her feets a little to quick and was tottering around a little dizzy. Syrus and Crowler catched her. Ember looked weakly up at all of them.

"Don't worry, you are back" Tara reassured him "You both are back. You and Jesse. Jaden and I freed you from Yubel's control". Ember let out a relieved sigh.

"We are back" she whispered a little while later "We are really back". Tara nodded and asked Syrus and Crowler to take care of her. She then turned towards the place where Jesse, Jaden and Yubel were. Jaden had got weakly up from the blast that was created from Yubel's trap card. It hadn't hit Tara and the others though, and Jaden had protected Jesse quite well, so Tara was sure, Jesse was not badly hurt either. Or more badly hurt than he already was. Tara was standing beside her brother now. He looked concerned at Jesse and helped him up and sit. Surprisingly Yubel was just floating in the air a meter or two away from them. She was not saying or doing anything, but watching. Tara could see a confident smirk on her lips though. She wondered what was going through the head of that fiend monster right now.

"Jesse, you okay?" Jaden questioned and looked at his friend. Jesse groaned a little.

"Couldn't be better" he said and smiled. Then he groaned in pain "Okay I properly could be better, but don't worry. I will be fine. It takes more than a hostile spirit takeover to keep this boy down. Thanks for saving us, Jaden, Tara". Jesse smiled a little at them. No anger was shown in his eyes at all. Tara kneeled down to his side.

"Well if it weren't for us, you wouldn't needed saving" she then replied. She could see Jaden eyeing her a little, before turning her gaze over to Yubel.

"Jesse!" yelled a voice then suddenly and a person rushed passed Tara and Jaden, and tossed herself at Jesse's chest "Oh Jesse I am so happy you are okay". Jesse groaned.

"Ember, easy, injured" he got out in a weak groan and looked at the girl in front of him. Tara and Jaden had moved a little out of the way. Ember was sitting on her knees with arms around Jesse's waist and tears running down her cheeks now.

"Oh I am so happy you are finally free" she said instead and didn't care that she was squeezing Jesse a little tighter. Then she looked firmly at him "You are never gonna leave me like that ever again, you hear Jesse. Never! Or I will never forgive you". Then she let out a cry and tossed herself at his chest again and began to cry. After Jesse got over the pain he smiled a tiny smile and hugged her as well.

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