Prophecies, gems and dragons part 2

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A,N: Well Here is the next part. I actually didn't want to update this just yet, but the chapter called and called to me and then in the end.. yeah. Lucky you readers. Hope you will like it. Please comment on what you think.

Yubel p.o.v.

Yubel sneered angry, when Zane was about to attack her with his dragon. It annoyed her to no end that he actually managed to hurt her in this duel. In the background she could hear Jaden yell out Jesse's name. She chucked darkly inside. So little Jaden is worried about my newest little toy. Well he should be. Then the blast hit and a lot of dust got created. The others looked stunned at the duel.

"That should do it" Zane proclaimed and gasped likely. Sweat was running down his forehead and Tara was having a worried face and protective arms around him.

"Almost" they could suddenly hear Dark Jesse proclaim and the dust disappeared. Yubel smirked evilly inside "But it will take more than that to beat me. Thanks to this card". Jesse showed them the facedown, he had just activated. It was called "Rainbow path". With it Jesse could chose a crystal on his field, like etc Ruby's and sent it to the grave. By doing that Zane's last attack was negated. Zane smirked.

"Impressive, I am glad you are the worthy opponent I thought you were" He replied. Yubel smirked evilly. She must admit, Zane was an impressive fighter at least. Her eyes wandered over to the scared Tara beside him. Yubel couldn't stop herself from mentally lick her lip. She loved seeing Tara in pain. Then maybe she could finally realise that she should not suggest to Jaden, to sent her away. She was gonna regret that for the rest of her life, because Yubel was gonna see right through that she did.

"Well if that impressed you, then get ready for this" Yubel made Jesse say. His body was so easy to control. She continued "I can also take a card from my deck and add it straight to my hand". She could hear Zane sneer by that. Yubel smirked and took the card she wanted from the deck and added it to her hand.

"And to top it off, I believe it is my turn" Jesse replied. She made the boy draw a card and now looked at the card she had added. "Rainbow dragon" or in this case "Rainbow dark dragon". It was her monster now. Not Jesse's. Although the dragon card was flashing through her hand. From white to black in a infinity circle. She sneered a little angry, and looked coldly at the card.

"Stop resisting me, stupid dragon" Yubel sneered inside her mind, knowing the dragon and all the other beasts could hear her. The dragon growled in her head.

"I am only master Jesse's" It replied coldly back and then hissed in pain.

"No you aren't. I am your new master now" she replied just as coldly. The dragon snort coldly. Yubel sneered coldly inside. Why was this blasted dragon so annoying?

"You know what happened to your master dragon. He is mine" she pointed out. "But if you want me to remind you I gladly will". Yubel chuckled darkly when she remembered the sweet dark memories.


Yubel flew through the darkness. The dark abyss she had created. A prison she was proud to have build. Small pieces of crystals were floating around here as well. It resembled a little of Haou's mirrors, but at the same time not. It worked more as a reminder to her sweet little prisoner. Cute but also pretty annoying. Jesse was not a prisoner who she could call obedient after all. Yubel flapped a little more with her wings. She soon arrived at the only tiny light spot in here. Tied up by crystalised bands was Jesse hanging, tied up at his hands and feets at one big blue crystal wall. It was there Yubel had left him, but sadly he was also surrounded by that pesky dragon, who like Jesse hadn't completely submitted to her. It was changing color from black to white and was protecting Jesse from more of her influence. Yubel might have his body, but Jesse and the dragon was not surrendering their soul to her too. Jesse gasped however from time to time and sweat was shown on his forehead. The only plus was that Jesse had to use a lot of energy to keep her at bay. 

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