Stop Marcel?! the decoy duel Chazz vs. Jaden!

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Normal p.o.v.

In the mean time.

Axel and his group had just arrived at the power facility. 

"Any sign of Marcel!" asked Axel. The group of blue barrettes shook their heads.

"Negative Axel sir!" They all said in unison. Axel sneered. He had been sure Marcel would be at the power facility. He had told them he wanted it. Had this also been an aversion, thought Axel confused. He looked and his men. (Note: he also has two girls in that group. Just though you should know)

"We are gonna split up in two groups!" Axel informed them "One group stays here in case he comes back, the rest of you comes with me, to look around and find out what is going on".

"Yes sir!" the blue barrettes said and saluted. They split up. Axel sighed deeply. Whatever Marcel was planning it couldn't be something good!

Tara's p.o.v.

Back with the twins.

"Marcel! Listen to me!" yelled Jaden angry "You don't want to mess with the sacred beast cards! They are dangerous!". Marcel only smirked. Tara couldn't believe he wanted the beasts. She looked at Jaden. 

"Jaden! Our dream! We should make sure IT never got the beast! The warning remember!" Tara said and Jaden looked at her. "Well I am sure this is not the real Marcel, so maybe he is IT, the voice in the dream was talking about?". 

"Yes smart girl!" Marcel said and grinned "Marcel's body is only a shell for me!".

"So you have possessed him?!" Jaden questioned. He was really confused here "Then who are you?". Marcel smirked again. However he never replied Jaden's question. A giant scream was coming from the ravine. Marcel grinned. It sounded like a beast roaring. Tara had a feeling it was coming from the beasts cards.

"As I would love to chat with you two, I have some Beasts to catch!" Marcel said and jumped into the ravine. The twin noticed a platform down there, followed by a staircase, who properly lead down to the beasts. Marcel looked up at them. 

"And don't try to follow me" He said. Then he rushed off. Tara looked around. Ghouls were approaching, but they were walking as slowly as a zombie. It would take them some time to arrive here. The light ball appeared out of Farao's mouth.

"Jaden! Tara!" Banner said and appeared in spirit form "You have to stop him from requiring the beast cards! As you know they are powerful cards indeed!". Tara and Jaden both nodded and looked at each other. Then they turned toward Blair and Bonaparte. Jaden told them that they should return back to the others. They nodded. Banner returned inside Farao again and with the help of Farao, Blair and the vice chancellor escaped the duel ghouls. Jaden looked at Tara. 

"Ready sis!" He asked and took her hand. Tara grinned and squeezed it.

"If you mean stop an evil force getting the sacred beast and save the world once again, then I am ready" Tara replied. Jaden grinned and nodded. They both jumped down to the platform and began running down the stairway who lead deeper underground. It lead into a giant cave, with a small pathway. Tara and Jaden had to let go of each others hands since, the pathway was only narrow enough for one person to walk on it, without falling down in a giant hole. Jaden decided to go first and Tara was right behind him. They were running quickly down the pathway, and made sure not to fall off it. Tara was happy that this black bandage was around her foot. Because if not, she would properly not be able to follow Jaden down here, or run after him at all. They could see Marcel some storeys down. The pathway could resemble a spiral staircase. They just had to catch him before he reached the sacred beasts.

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