Fighting, for the sake of our friends part 2

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Have fun reading. please comment on what you think.

Ember's p.o.v.

Inside that dark abyss filled with crystals, who really was inside the rainbow dark dragon, you could find Ember and Jesse locked inside that giant crystal. They were both surprisingly awake, but only barely. Because of lack of space, Ember was hugging a weakly and tired Jesse, but she knew Jesse didn't mind it at all. He also had placed weak arms around her. Ember was not sure if it was for comfort or because he needed her support, but she was glad he did regardlessly. Yubel had drained a lot of energy from him. Jesse's inner willpower was dropping repeatedly, as Yubel drew on energy, to control the crystal beast. Mostly the rainbow dragon, since the crystal beasts were more infected by Yubel's darkness and obeyed her without questions.

"Ember I am terrible sorry" she then could suddenly hear Jesse said in rasping voice "I should never have mixed you into all this. I am sorry, I gave in. She have my body, my soul, my crystal beasts and my dragon now. She even moved my spirit inside the dragon. I didn't believe that Yubel could take more from me, until you arrived. Don't give me wrong, I am glad to be with you, but not under these circumstances". Jesse let out a little whimper and let his tired head lean on her shoulder. Ember knew he was feeling great pain right now. She hugged him a little tighter.

"Shh, don't say that. Don't be sorry. You gave in because of me, and I am grateful to you. I am not even angry" she then said and smiled at him. "If only I were stronger though. If only I were more brave and..".

"No!" Jesse actually managed to shout and took her hand "Don't! Ember don't wish that. Don't change! Even when you are shy sometimes. You don't need to be more brave than you already are. Ember I love you the way you are". Ember looked a little stunned at him. She wasn't sure if it was because he was in so emotionally pain or because he really meant it, but she appreciated it the words anyway. They both went silent. The only thing Ember could hear was Jesse's weak gasping breath.

"Do you hate me?" Jesse then suddenly asked "Adrian. I killed your fiancé. I have been just as much jealous as he has been. I was watching the battle Him with Yubel. I was there in the dragon. I must admit I wished for him to die there, before he let out his speech about his true intentions. He wanted us to be happy deep down". Ember looked surprised at him, but then shook her head. She could never hate Jesse regardless what he had done. Jesse looked relieved at her.

"I just don't understand Jesse, if Adrian were deep down okay with us being together, why where he then such an idiot?" Ember then questioned "He could just have told me his plans from the get go. The marriage, and well everything. Instead he ended up joining Yubel and killed off Aster". Jesse actually smiled at that.

"I do understand him" he then said slowly "Jealousy can make a man blind. Secondly I think he never told you, because he wouldn't get your hope up if it never happened later on in the future. And you know Yubel can tempt people. He would get the power to get that peaceful world, where he would break down the society and be with the one he truly wanted. I must admit that offer tempt me as well. However the only thing I want right now, is us being together in the real world. Not trapped in here". Ember nodded slowly. She wished that too. Jesse hissed a little in pain again. Ember knew Yubel was draining another portion of his energy. Ember squeezed his hand a little and smiled a warm smile at him.

"Don't worry Haya have been sending our help signal to Tara and Jaden" she then replied encouraging "He may not be fully up to date, but I am sure Haya can tell them where we are without Yubel knowing. The twins power of spirits are surely stronger than Yubel's power. You see we will soon be rescued". Jesse smiled a tiny smile.

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