Unpleasant surprise?! Jim vs. the supreme king Haou. Part 1.

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A,N: Here is the next chapter. Hope you like it. Is sad and a little cruel. The events are a little different because Tara is in the story, but hope you like it anyway. Please comment on what you think.

Haou's p.o.v.

Haou was sitting at his throne in the throne room and was rubbing his head. He was having an annoying headache. He was pretty angry as well. The things didn't go as well as he had planed. He had finally made Tara serve him. The king knew of course that it was because of the claustrofobia and wasn't thinking straight. She just wanted out, but she was still bound by her word to him in someway. His power worked in that way. If you accepted his offer by their free will, you were in someway connected or linked to him. Not like a mindless slave or something like that. You had your free will and could do and behave like you used to do or wanted to do. The only difference was that you could use the kings power and he could use theirs. Haou sneered. He just got Tara and then some insignificant humans stole her from him! How dare they do that! Tara belonged to him, and him only! Just like Jaden. They were his hosts. Although Jaden was a special case with that possession going on and stuff. Apros Jaden...!

"Tara!" whispered a voice inside Haou's head. The king sneered deeply. Since Tara had left with these pitiful humans, Jaden had actually woken up inside and was saying Tara's name over and over again. It gave the king an annoying headache. A knock could be heard and the door to the throne room got open. The two death duelists Chaos and Baou walked in and bowed to the evil king. Haou sneered.

"The girl?" He asked in a cold tone "The others?". The lieutenants gulped a little.

"I am sorry my king. We haven't found her just yet" He said and looked at the floor "But we are doing our very best". The king sneered angry.

"No! Not good enough!" He almost yelled "Find her! Leave no stone unturned and bring her back to me alive. Hurt her and I kill you all". The two lieutenants bowed and Haou could hear Chaos gulp. He was scared, as he should be!

"Um may I ask why this human girl is so important?" Baou then said in a casual tone "She is just a normal human right? So what makes her so special..!". This was properly not the best idea this vampire lieutenant had. The evil king was having a really bad day today. How dare he ask or in question my orders! Haou noticed the vampire was about to ask something else as well, but the king didn't let him. The room suddenly felt cold and the black smoke appeared on the ground. It wrapped around the pitiful lieutenant and dragged him towards the king. The king grabbed him by the collar and was staring cold at him with an evil glare.

"Listen you annoying pitiful vampire. I am in a really bad mood, so if I were you I would shut it. Or would you prefer me to kill you? Do you Baou?" Haou almost yelled in his face. The vampire looked terrified and shook his head.

"Nnno.. your high..ness" stuttered the vampire out in a scared tone. The evil king snort and punched the vampire in the stomach. A punishment for annoying him.

"Leave and don't show before you have the girl" Haou said coldly "If she is not back in 2 hours I will kill someone, and bring Skullknight in here!". He let go of the pitiful vampire and he and Chaos bowed and slowly backed out of the room. Seconds later they were gone. Haou sound relived and placed himself down at the throne once again. Everything was quiet and peaceful. The king felt like he could relax now. He enjoyed the peace and quiet.

"Tara!" whispered Jaden once again inside his head and destroyed it. Haou flew up from the chair and cursing and sneering a lot. That does it! He had to do something about Jaden and that headache of his. A knock could be heard on the door ones again and Skull Knight walked in. He bowed to the king as well.

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