Trapped by a trapper? can love conquer it all?!

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Normal p.o.v.

"Did you find them?!" asked Jesse, Syrus. Syrus shook his head. Jesse sneered a little angry. Where in the world was the twins hiding? Suddenly a little light lit up in an area not far away from here. Syrus and Jesse looked at each other. 

"That was a duel just now? Wasn't it?!" questioned Syrus "Oh no that means..!". 

"Yeah!" said Jesse and began to run towards the light "Someone is gonna lose their energy! Lets hurry!". And then they both began running towards the light.

At Hassleberry and his group.

"You are sure you are okay?!" asked Hassleberry and looked at Alexis. She nodded. 

"Yeah I will survive!" She said and smiled. Jim gave her the water bottle.

"Falling down a deep pit and then almost drooling! You have been through a lot!" Jim said impressed. Alexis just smiled.

"That's just a normal day around here!" She said. Hassleberry nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah you are right...!" He began and suddenly began yelling. His eyes changed into reptile eyes. Shirley was growling out loud as well. 

"Oh no they are at it again!" Jim said, but before he could do a thing, Hassleberry slammed himself in the face and fell to the ground. He was rubbing his face. Shirley had hit herself with her tail and fell to the ground as well. A minute after she was up again and was okay again. Hassleberry was sitting on the ground. He was also ok.

"I felt those strange vibes again!" Hassleberry said. "That can only mean one thing! Jaden and the others are in trouble!". The others decided to find the others.

Ember p.o.v.

Ember was standing in the forest now as well. She had followed Adrian's line down in the shaft, but at some points, she chose another direction, where the shaft was more climbable. She was not gonna take the same path as Adrian. That was for sure! 

"My lady!" said Haya worried "I can hear the voices of some things!". 

"Is it spirits?!" asked Ember confused. Haya looked really torned now. 

"I am not sure my lady!" It said worried "It just doesn't feel normal! There is something out of sync here!". Ember looked worried at Haya. Maybe she should tjek it out? Maybe this was because of someone was dueling?

"Show me the way Haya!" Ember said. Haya smiled happily.

"I knew you were gonna say that my lady!" Haya said and smiled "You are a fierce warrior after all!". Ember smiled and began follow Haya. 

Ember had walked around in the woods for a long time, when finally Haya stopped and pointed at a door who lead into some kind of tunnel. Ember decided to walk inside there. Whatever was in there, it couldn't be that scary thought Ember. She was sadly mistaken. At the end of the tunnel she found a giant room, and she was meet with a dreadful sight. Duel monsters in cages. Some was different shapes, but they were all trapped. Ember placed a hand at her mouth and looked in horror. All the monsters was duel spirits. There were no mistake. Haya was as shocked as Ember.

"My lady!" it said and sounded sad and angry at the same time "This is.. this is.!".

 Haya couldn't continue the sentence, but Ember knew what it was trying to say.

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