Double confrontation. The powers awakening part 2.

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A,N: Here is the next chapter. This chapter is not as long as the last one. Hope that is okay. I would like to thank everyone who had followed and read this story. You are all awesome and I am happy you liked the story or other stories I have made. I appreciate your support greatly. With further ado here is the next chapter.

Jaden's p.o.v.

Jaden looked surprised at the move his sister made. Tara had just sended Sparkman over to his side of the field. He wondered what she was planing. In the background he could hear Yubel chuckle evilly.

"Your sister. She wants to protect you from me" she pointed out "But nothing can save you from my fury. Nothing at all". Jaden snort to that.

"We will see about that Yubel. Now make a move" he then replied. Yubel smirked.

"Well since your sister activated a spell, my chronicle now has another counter" she replied and grinned "I must thank you two. For allowing my chronicle to tell it's story. Because of you, the first chapter has been written".

"The first what?" Jaden said confused "What do you mean?".

"You see, the spell chronicle tells a story of a duel. For every two spells my opponents activate, a new chapter get's revealed, and for every chapter you gets to chose a card I removed from play, and add them straight to my hand" Yubel explained. Jaden noticed five cards that was shown in midair now. Two trap cards, one strong monster card and two spell cards. Jaden's heart skipped a beat. One of the spell cards was "Super polymerization". The card she stole from him. Yubel noticed the horror written in his face and chuckled a little at it.

"Yes Jaden it is true. I have super polymerization. The card you and the king forged by gathering duel energy from different people" Yubel then said "With it I can reunite the 12 dimensions. So accept my gift of hardship, pain and fear and chose super polymerization". Jaden sneered. Yubel didn't have to remind him what he had done with that card, and how many lives they had been sacrificing for it. He knew that too well. He was staring at the card now. Super polymerization, what are Yubel and the king planing to do with that card? I am pretty sure I don't wanna find out.

"Yeah I don't think so Yubel" he then replied "I pick the trap "Zero spite". The card Jaden picked, ended up in Yubel's hand. The fiend girl sighed.

"Oh well, you disappoint me Jaden" she then replied "You're so stubborn. No matter. I can be very patient. I have waited years, so what's few more rounds". Yubel drew and sacrificed her two tokens to summon "Regenerating rose" in att mode. It was a weird looking rose monster with 0 att points. If's effect activated. It became the same att as the monster it attacked. Yubel was going for a double knock out with flame wingman. However when her rose died, she was getting two new tokens to the field. Ah not good, I am losing Flame wingman, and she get's two rose tokens? What to do? Yubel smirked evilly and attacked. Jaden looked in horror. He had no way to counter. Then suddenly out of the blue, Flame wingman split apart. Burstinatrix and Avian was now on the field in att mode. Yubel sneered annoyed.

"Grr, your sister is a pain in the ass" she then said in an angry tone. "When my rose attacks monster's in def mode, it doesn't gain any att". Jaden looked over at his sister and found out she had been using the spell "De-fusion". That way she saved his monster. Tara just smiled happy at him and waved a hand at him. In some way telling him, she was having his back, which Jaden appreciated. Yubel glared at her.

"She may have stopped my attack, but because she used a spell, my chronicle gains another counter" she then told Jaden. Jaden snort to that reply. That may be, but he didn't care. He was happy regardless if she gained a counter or not. Just knowing that Tara was having his back, gave him immense power of courage. Yubel ended her turn. Jaden was up. He drew and used the combination from his sister. With spark blaster (Jaden has 2 shots left), he made Sparkman switch that rose of Yubel's into def mode. Her rose couldn't use it's eff when it was in def mode. Jaden looked over at Tara. He wondered if Tara had known what Yubel was planning to do, before she even had done it. Jaden attacked and destroyed that rose with sparkman. It leaved Yubel with two tokens however, but Jaden couldn't worry about them right now. He was more worried about Tara right now. He decided to send burstinatrix over to her in def mode and ended his turn with a facedown. It was the king's turn. Jaden watched as Haou special summoned his prodigy with it's eff. He could summon this monster to the field when his opponents had monsters out and he didn't. Then he sacrificed it to summon "Malicious edge". Since he summoned a hero monster, Haou could also draw another card. Jaden clenched his fists. The king's deck resembled his in many ways and then at the same time, didn't. It was more evil that Jaden's heroes. Haou attacked and destroyed Tara's burstinatrix. Since Malicious edge was giving piercing damage, Tara also lost 1400 life points.

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