Our Story Begins!

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We Open up At A HighSchool in Modern Japan, as It was Lunchtime, and In the Middle of this Lunchroom, was A Young Man. This Young Man was A Teenage Boy Named Y/n.

Y/n is A 16-Year-old Young Man who was born with a condition known as Autism which pretty Much affects his Social Skills, but it never made him any less Nice or Kind, and he wants to Help everyone around Him.

He was Also with his Best Friend Math, who is A Young man the same age as Him, but was More A Moral compass, and Always has his Back.

Math: So you got Any Plans this weekend?

Y/n: No, Why?

Math: Well I thought Maybe...

Y/n: Maybe what?

Math: I thought maybe you could Ask May Out~  You Know May Maple~

Y/n: N-No! S-she's too Cute for me...

Math: What do you mean You're fucking adorable?

Y/n: No, I'm Not...

Math: Okay Look at me! Look at me!

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

Math: Tell me Who Got an A+ On the animal Science Exam?

Y/n: Me?

Math: Yes! And who Made A Beautiful Picture of The Goddess Aphrodite out of 1,000,000 Individual Glass shard Pieces?

Y/n: I did!

Math: And Who- Uh... Who- Hmm... Who is the Bestest Guy in the whole wide world!?

Y/n: I AM!

Math: Whose ready?

Y/n: I AM!

Math: Whose ready!?

Y/n: I AM!

You then got up, and walked over to May, as she Rotound girl was eating some Magikarp shaped Cakes

Y/n: H-Hey May...

May: Oh, Hey Y/n! How are you doing? 

May: Oh, Hey Y/n! How are you doing? 

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May Maple

Y/n: I-I-I was going to ask...

May: Ask me what?

Y/n: Uh... Uuuh...

Math: Wait let me translate! Just say it, Buddy!

Y/n: Uh... Uh...

Math: Oh Oh I know what he's saying! He saying he wants to Bury you with A Hatchet

May: Oh My!

Y/n: DUDE!

Math: Oh Now he's saying you could drop some weight

May: Well I never!


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