Jenny and the Office!

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We Open up in A Office near your Home, as People were Busy at work doing whatever the hell they do because this is Just A Random office with Cubicles and everything, and Jenny was just indulging in her Lunch.

Jenny was Dressed up in her Usual Office attire, of A Buttoned-up shirt, Pencil Skirt, Stockings, and Heels, which surprisingly fit the 800-Lb Woman, and she had finally finished A Huge beef Bowl as she has crumbs and sauce all over her Face.

Jenny: BOOORUP! Oof! Oh Geez... That was A Lot... Let me see I ate 12 Sushi pizzas, 5 Bowls of Ramen, and 3 Mega Beef Bowls... Time for dessert I Guess...

She then Began to Open Up a Box of Donuts and Began eating them as well. Soon she was approached by A Coworker.

Female Coworker: Wow, you Mind doing that again? I didn't think they heard you that time.

Jenny: Okay I'm Sorry. I've been trying to put on more weight.

Female Coworker: More weight? Jenny, you can barely climb up the Two Stairs to the Front doors and you can Barely fit in the building's elevator. What would drive you to do that? Is it Pur Hedonistic Gluttony or You Met A Cute Feeder Guy?


Female Coworker: Oh, That's so Nice! So, give me all of the Details. Description, Personality, Looks, give me it all.

Jenny: Alright, Alright. Well, He's Younger, with Thick Hair, Asian Heritage Like me, but he's Japanese, He helps run this very nice restaurant and he's Just cooks the best food. He actually loves bigger woman but he's actually A Real sweetheart. Personally, I love to tease him~

Female Coworker: Oh really? Sounds Like a Shy guy. I heard their best when their Shy! How they squirm and everything!

Jenny: Your A Pervert you know that?

Female Coworker: Well, you're the one Fattening yourself up Like A Pig

Jenny: Touche.

Jenny then took so Donuts and Began Munching on them as she Smiled, but the Coworker took one smiling.

Female Coworker: Well, if you can't beat them, join them I assume. If everyone's Purposefully putting on weight, then why fight it.

She then Began eating donuts as well, but they were Jam Packed with so Many calories that One was enough to fill A Normal person for A Day and her coworker could only eat 3 before getting her fill.

Female Coworker: Wow, That's really filling

Jenny Just smiled.

Jenny: Then Why would I share it?

She then Takes A Bite out of another donut before her spinning chair began to Creak and suddenly A Loud crash was heard, as Jenny had fallen to the floor lying on her back.

Female Coworker: Oh My God Jenny are you Okay?

Jenny: Yeah, this had Happened before you just weren't there. Give me A Few seconds or I Guess A Few Minutes to get up.

Female Coworker: R-Right.

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