Tifa's Training!

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We Open up at the new Family Mansion as You had woken up in Bed, and You tried to move only to realize you were pinned from both sides by something huge and soft. You had realized that Tifa Is actually cuddling you, She was being your big Spoon.

Y/n: (Muffled) Um... Tifa?

Tifa was still asleep.

Y/n: (Muffled) Tifa, Please Wake up...

Tifa: Zzz... Y/n, Your so soft... I Love resting my Head on you...

Y/n: (Muffled) TIFA!

Tifa then woke up and then smiled while cuddling up closer to you.

Y/n: Mmph!?

Tifa: Hey Y/n, Is there any Training around here?

Y/n: (Muffled) Yeah, We Have A Gym for Training for Sumo Stuff...

Tifa: Oh That's Great, I was hoping to flex my muscles the next time I fight some more. I wanna Kick some ass

She then began to try and flex her Muscles but in reality, she was mostly flexing Fat, which made you Blush.

Y/n: (Blushing/Thoughts) C-Cute...

Tifa: Oh You should Train too

Y/n: W-Why?

Tifa: Because Silly I'm not having my Boyfriend die on me, and You're always Going out on those Missions to steal food from the rich and Give it to the Poor

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I Need A New Costume for that

Tifa: Later, First we're Training

Tifa then got out of bed and began throwing you over her shoulder like A Sack Potatoes as she smiled.

Tifa: I hope you're ready to Train

Y/n: A-As ready as I'll ever be

Tifa: Great!


Tifa had Dragged you down to the Mansion's Gym and she was Planning on pretty Much Deadlifting some huge weights, and she smiled.

Tifa: I can Probably go Pretty High

She then Stacked up to 300 Lbs of Metal weights on each and soon she was easily able to lift it over the head, Much your jaw hanging.

Tifa: Heh, I told you I Got Muscle.

She then Dropped the Bar to the ground and talked to you.

Tifa: Okay, Now Your turn

Tifa: No It's Okay, Just try your best Okay

You then removed all of the weights and put on two 5 Lb weights and then...


Y/n: D-Did I do good?

Tifa meanwhile was Blushing and trying not to Squeal from overcuteness.

Tifa: (Blushing/Thoughts) AWW, So Cute~!!

Y/n: W-What do you wanna do next?

Tifa: Oh That's Easy. Lets Sparr

You then Immeaditly Paled.

Y/n: S-S-Spar...?

Tifa: Oh don't worry I can't Hurt your precious Little face, Come on

She then had to drag you along to the Boxing ring.

Tifa: You ready to do this Now?

Y/n: S-Sure

Tifa: Great, Now touch Gloves

You both then proceeded to do, but you fell over.

Tifa: (Blushing) Uh Yeah have to get up sweetie

Y/n: R-Right...

You then got up and began to try and Punch her but with so Much Padding it's like trying to Punch A Beanbag chair and you quickly Tired yourself out.

Tifa: Aww, so That's Cute~! My Turn!

She then began to try and Punch you but fearing for your life you activated your devil fruit powers and Began to create A Pair of Black Vortex To Block all of the attacks Tifa was slowly Overpowering it until in A Jerk reaction you Punched her in the face.

Tifa then Checked the bruise on her Puffy cheek as she smirked.

Tifa: So we're getting serious now aren't we?


Tifa then Began marching over as you were backed into the Ropes and she cracked her Fists before...

Tifa: Dolphin Blow!! Meteor Strike!! FINAL HEAVEN!!

You were thrown to the ground and you began to tear up because Fuck that Hurts And Tifa realized what Happened.

Tifa: Oh My God, Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to Hurt you! I Went too Far! Would you Please forgive me?

You Just nodded as Tifa Hugged you.

Tifa: I am so sorry. Hey, Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Tifa: You wanna share some Icecream?

Y/n: That would be Nice

Tifa: Would you like to share some Icecream with me and Aerith?

Y/n: That would be very Nice

Tifa: Yeah (Thoughts) God I really have Gotten Soft, but... That's not A Bad thing, especially with people like Aerith and Y/n in My Life

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