The Back Alley Doctors Medicine!

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After the events of the Phantom Thieves entering your life, you had decided to add them to the Harem, and they each get their turn being used as A Bed because it's superior in every way when you were currently laying on top of Kasumi.

Y/n: Yawwwwn... Who am I at this time...?

Kasumi: Hey, Y/n-Kun!

Y/n: Oh Hey

Kasumi: If my Body wasn't soft enough to sleep on I will correct it Immediately

Y/n: Oh No, No, No, You don't need to, You're comfy enough already, best sleep I had in forever

Kasumi: Oh Thank you, I would hug you but my Arms are too Chunky

Y/n: I think it's adorable

You then Climbed up and Kissed her on the cheek making her blush and smile.

Kasumi: Chu!

Y/n: U-Um...

Kasumi: What?

Y/n: Nothing, I have been wondering how I could get you girls Moving around because my Magic is good but it's not that Good, Plus This house is getting Kinda Small even by My standards

Kasumi: Hey we can figure things out, I heard there these sumo championships coming up and if we win, we can use all of the Money to buy A New Mansion

Y/n: Oooh, Sounds Nice, Hopefully, we can win

Kasumi then Gave you A "Really?" Look as you shrugged Nervously

Y/n: Sorry...

Kasumi: Oh It's Okay, You're too cute to be mad at

Just the door Opened and Hibiki walked in.

Hibiki: Hi Sweetie, I Just wanted to remind you, You have A Doctor's appointment today

Y/n: Okay Mom

Hibiki: Alright, and Kasumi what would you like for Breakfast?

Kasumi:  Some Roast beef, Some Chicken, Some Pizza

Hibiki: No, I mean Breakfast sweetie

Kasumi: Some Roast beef, some chicken, some Pizza

Hibiki: Oh Great, we'll have that ready in A Minute! Now get ready sweetie

Y/n: Right Mom...


You then Had to leave the House/Restaurant, Go down the street, go down the Street, Take A Bus into downtown, and then cross through the slums to search for your doctor since this doctor was very interested in you because of your Unique Qualities in Power And Metabolism.

You then walked into A Small Building in the back of an Ally that has A Sign that said "Takemi Medical Clinic", and Inside there was A Small, Pitch black room, only Illuminated by A Computer, where there were medical degrees, Posters, and A Small Bad, but no one was in there which confused you.

Y/n: Hello? Doc? Are you here?

???: Give me A Minute, I'll be there

Y/n: Okay then

You then sat on the Bed, Grabbed A Magazine, And Began reading it as you swung your Legs Back and Forth, and soon the sound of Creaking and The rolling of A Swivel chair was Heard, and soon the doctor arrived.

Tae: Okay Y/n-Kun, let's do this Check-Up

Tae Takemi (A Quack Doctor who runs The Takemi Clinic/ She has been very interested in your Biology due to how being Human you can still have A Super Apptetie and super powers correlating with it/ She's very Casual and usually supplies To the Phan...

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Tae Takemi (A Quack Doctor who runs The Takemi Clinic/ She has been very interested in your Biology due to how being Human you can still have A Super Apptetie and super powers correlating with it/ She's very Casual and usually supplies To the Phantom Thieves for A Price of course)

You were A Little surprised by Tae was A Lot bigger than you remembered, because the last time you remembered she was A Thin as A Twig, but now she's...

Tae: Say it. I dare you

... Festivly Plump.

Tae: Good

She then got up and began to press her body against yours as she Began to Take your temperature by feeling your forehead.

Tae: This feels good, So have you been feeling good lately? No Sniffles, Coughs, Fevers? Anything?

Y/n: No, Not really

Tae: Good, So How has your appetite been?

Y/n: As Big as ever

Tae: Just like your little Brother?

Y/n: Yep

Tae: Great! You know It's always Good to have A Good appetite since you need to eat A Ton of Calories for daily function, It can be way more than 2000

Y/n: Oh cool, Thank you

Tae: Good. Now let's do some Tests

Y/n: Okay

Tae: Nope, I need you to take your clothes off

Y/n: (Blushing) W-What?

Tae: Everything off, except the Boxers

Y/n: (Blushing) W-Why?

Tae: It makes it easier to test everything

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Okay...

You then took off all of your clothes and She began to do the Usual Like Testing Blood pressure, Temperature, Reflexes, And did A Few Tests for viruses by swabbing the back of your throat and Nose, and The entire time she was being very close and personal with her constantly pressing her body against yours, and she kept giving you chances to Oggle her Large Chest and Rear on Multiple Occasion.

After A While you Were Bright pink and Sweating Slightly as Tae smiled.

Tae: Well Looks like you're Healthy as A Horse Y/n-Kun, Though you seem to be Sweating an Awful Lot

Y/n: Y-Yeah, U-Uhuh, Okay...

Tae: Good, Oh I have A Few Gifts for you

Y/n: What is it?

Tae: Well Look at these

She then Handed you A Couple of Silver and Blue disks as you were confused.

Y/n: What's this?

Tae: These are Mobility Disks. I heard about your Growing Gaggle of Girls so I decided to make these so they can be freely able to move despite their size, though Buildings are A Different story

Y/n: (Blushing) Right...

She then handed you A Container of what Looks like Granola Mix.

Y/n: Huh? What's this?

Tae: Glad you asked, You see This is A Specially made formula that works on Women that Multiplies Fat cells By 1,000Xs Over with one Handful. I Tried A Prototype Myself And It's really good, Tastes Just like The Best Granola Ever

Y/n: Why is it Shaped like Granola?

Tae: Because to make it Look more Appetizing! Also to make it Inconspicuous to any Guinea Pigs We might try this On

Y/n: Oh Geez, Okay

Tae: Oh And One last thing~

Y/n: Yes?

Tae then Began to Kiss you, as you Blushed bright Pink!

Y/n: Chu!

Tae: Aww, That's so Precious~! I wanna be A Part of your Harem, Sweet Guy, and Now I wanna Be your partner in crime~

Y/n: Why?

Tae: Because I wanna make you all sorts of Technology to help you, Cute confuser

Y/n: (Pales) H-H-How did you know that?

Tae: It's not that hard to tell, No one can be as Cute and Shy as you, And I am Impressed you can do all of that By yourself, and I can make you anything you want as long as I'm A Part of your Harem~


Tae: Great~ We're gonna make One hell of A Team~

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