Big Sister Little Sister!

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We Open up at the L/n Family/Restaurant where you woke up sleeping on the Biggest, Warmest, Bed you ever slept on and you smiled, knowing what this is.

Y/n: Okay, Who is it this Time?

Makato: That would be Me

Y/n: Oh right, you Do have that amazing Belly

Makato: (Blushing) T-Thanks, Hey Mind helping me with something?

Y/n: Yeah?

Makoto: Mind grabbing my Phone? I Sorta lost it in my Cleavage, and my arms are too big to reach

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Okay...

You then Climbed up to her chest and began searching through her cleavage until you found her Phone almost falling in when Grabbing it. You then checked it and you saw There were several Texts and Notifications.

Y/n: Hey Makoto, There are apparently A Bunch of Texts from Sae, She says she wants to visit you to talk about your new Lifestyle

Makato then Paled.

Makoto: Oh No, No, No, My Big Sis is very strict she's probably yelling at more or something, and-

Y/n; Calm down, Calm down

You then reluctantly made out with her as she smiled.

Y/n: I'll take care of this, I-I'll try my best to take care of you

Makoto: Hey You're Just the cute shy Bean, I'm the Phantom thief I can handle this

Y/n: I did sorta, Kinda, Turn into Sun Wukong

Makoto: Yes but You're Too precious, so Let me deal with her

Y/n: O-Okay,  I just wanna be big and strong for you

Makoto: You going out every night saving people does make you big and strong 

Y/n: (Blushing) T-Thank you

Makoto: Good. Now Can you get me some Cookies?

Y/n: Sure

Makoto: Good, You're A Good Boyfriend


Soon Makoto's Older sister Sae Najiimi had finally shown up and despite what all of the Social Media Pictures had shown it was Much different to see in Person, and it was too true for her

Makoto: Oh H-Hi Onee-Chan!

Sae: Hey Makoto, Mind explaining this?

Sae Najiimi (She is Makoto's Older Sister/ She is A Professional Lawyer and Is A Very strict Big Sister but she's been letting up on her Baby Sis because after dealing with what she was Like in her Palace she wanted to be A Much better sister)

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Sae Najiimi (She is Makoto's Older Sister/ She is A Professional Lawyer and Is A Very strict Big Sister but she's been letting up on her Baby Sis because after dealing with what she was Like in her Palace she wanted to be A Much better sister)

Makoto then Began to explain the entire thing, and Sae pinched the bridge of her Nose.

Makoto: Are you Mad?

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