A "Friendly" Competition!

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A Few days Later we Open up at the L/n Family Home and Restaurant and inside one of the rooms Korra and Asami were hanging out like girlfriends do and were Just eating delicious foods you had Made.

Asami was eating A Huge Bowl of Ramen while Korra was having A Whole New York-style Pizza, as they were both sharing kisses and by doing so flavors.

Korra: Wow these foods are far better than the ones in Republic city, and they just keep getting Better

Asami: Yeah, It's probably of all of the Fat content, but who cares, this is delicious

Korra: It really is, Big Girl

Asami: (Blushing) Aww, Korra your making me Blush~ So, How do you feel about Y/n?

Korra: Why ask?

Asami: Um, No Reason. Just wanna know how you feel about the little guy

Korra: Well... I feel like He's pretty damn cute, he's An amazing Cook, and I don't mind he has A Harem. To be honest, If we were to get together, It'll almost be like He's the stay at Home Mom, But that would probably only make him cuter. You?

Asami: Oh Yeah, Well He's very cute, I love all of his food, And I don't mind if he has A Harem either. I could always appreciate A Man Who Can Love women as big as us, and I May be raised in A Pampered lifestyle but he's really good at keeping that up, and I Can always rely on him

They both then went back to eating for A Few moments before they both came to the same conclusion.

Korra/Asami: Oh My God you Love him don't you?

Korra: Well Yeah, He's better than our Ex

Asami: Yeah, But we're not going to make this A Competition are we?

Korra: Of course not... But if I happen to make him Blush then that happens

Asami: Yeah, me too. Love you Korra

Korra: Love you too Asami

the two then Kissed and then began to eat with more Gusto Hoping to impress you.

The Next day...

You were in the Home Office with Asami, as you were pretty much helping her sort A Bunch of stuff around, as she was Munching on some Brownies, and you were pretty much Blushing and smiling.

Y/n: Hey Asami, How much of this do you need?

Asami: Oh It's Nothing Just A Bunch of Old documents to make sure I could Properly make A Business here

Y/n: Why would you do that?

Asami: It's A Family thing

Y/n: Oh Okay

Asami then noticed how hot it was in Here, and she put her Plan into Action.

Asami: Hey Y/n, This place does seem pretty Hot. You can take your shirt off if you want

Y/n: R-Really, I don't want to-

Asami: No, No, It's okay, I insist

Y/n: Okay if you say so

You then took off your shirt and it revealed your muscles and abs.

Asami: (Starry Eyed/Thoughts) Wow

Y/n: So Asami how do you want these to be- A-Asami what are you doing!?

Asami had Then taken off her Jacket revealing her Undershirt Tank top that fit her much more like A Bra, and revealed all of her Massive cleavages.

Asami: What? I said it was Hot in here. You don't want me to get A Heatstroke do you~?

Y/n: N-No...

Asami: Good.

Asami then smiled and Shoved your face into her cleavage, as you turned bright Pink.


Asami: (Giggles) You Know I always do love shy Boys~

Y/n: A-Asami...

Just then the door opened and Asami suddenly dropped you.

Hibiki: Oh Y/n we need you in the Restaurant downstairs

Y/n: Right, Um, Bye Asami

Asami: Bye

You then left and Asami Just sighed in defeat.

A Few Hours Later...

Liscoka: Oh Y/n can you tell Korra that Dinner is ready?

Y/n: Yes Mom

You then walked out and went upstairs to get the Avatar's attention when suddenly you noticed the door was slightly ajar, and when you Looked Inside Korra was fixing herself up but she was in In Just Pants and Bra, and you could see all of that delicious chocolatey Smooth Skin, but then she noticed you, so you ran off.

Y/n: Mom you gotta Knock me out!

Liscoka: Hm, Why?

Y/n: Well When I went to see Korra she was in her room fixing herself and-

A/n: 0:05-End

Korra was just standing there with arms crossed and Looking down at you,

Y/n: KorraIamsosorryIswearIwasjustgoingtogetyouand- Chu!

Korra just hugged you and smiled.

Korra: Normally I would be mad... But You're Just too Cute~

Girls: Awwww!

Y/n: (Blushing) N-No I'm not...


Korra and Asami were in the same room again just in defeat, as Korra was Using Water Bending to send Liquid chocolate down her and Asami's Mouths, as You then Knocked on the door and walked in.

Y/n: G-Girls?

Asami: Huh? Yes, Y/n?

Y/n: Um... Did you want to talk to me?

Korra: Well to be honest we were going to fight about it, but we realized That wouldn't exactly be Helpful

Asami: Yeah, but what we wanted to say was...

Korra/Asami: We Love you and want to be in your Harem

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Okay... Y-Yeah, I would love that...

Korra/Asami: Really? Great!!

She both then Began to hug you and you sighed but smiled.

Y/n: (Sigh) The Things I do for Love... But it's Worth it.

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