imagine twelve: max mayfield (spoilers)

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in honor of vol 2, yk i have to write an imagine...
i am, by NO MEANS, a good fix it writer
but i couldn't handle what happened with her
i'll remove the reminder on the title after a
little awhile just incase someone still hasn't
seen it but i need to write this immediately to
make me feel better

maybe it was because max was your girlfriend and you were expectantly protective over her but this plan was not in your favor. despite the bickering you were dealt with by not only max herself, but nancy, it truly annoyed you severely. dustin had been the only one in your understanding but he somehow agreed to the idea that they came up with that had max in danger.

so, now you stood before the creel house with max, lucas and erica by your side. you were deathly afraid of what was to come once you entered the house.

erica managed to find vecna before everyone else which initiated phase one. you were supposed to accompany erica to the rocket across the street seeing as everyone knew you would come in the way of their plan for the sake of max.

you reluctantly accepted defeat and nodded toward erica who headed for the door. you didn't follow after her immediately though because you paused to quickly write down on your notepad.

after a couple seconds, you pointed it back to lucas since max wasn't around.

'keep her safe, please, lucas'

he sadly smiled at you, looking down to scribble something down on his own notepad.

'i promise, y/n'

with that being settled, you caught up with erica, who was already inside the rocket. you ran all the way over and joined her in alerting nancy, robin and steve that phase one was in motion.

by phase two, a sinking feeling came about with the idea knowing in the house ahead, max was inside being possessed by vecna. it seemed being distracted by that mere thought didn't have you seeing jason and his football friend bombarding the place.

you had seen him around school but he wasn't that important for you to remember his name began chasing you and erica, who you had vowed to protect to yourself. you let her go as he toppled over you and held you back by the arms.

erica was a lot less selfish than you expected seeing as she immediately came back for you and hit the guy in the face with the flashlight. you were able to get the upper hand and set a few punches in enough for him to stay put by the injuries.

"give me the flashlight." you demanded of erica.

"if you think you're going in that haunted freak show of a house to stop max, you're wrong!" she argued back, not aware of the fact that you saw jason enter.

"give me the goddamn flashlight, erica!" you said a lot more aggressive this time which she didn't fight against since she gave it to you like you asked.

you ran as fast as you possibly could and followed the light to where it led straight to the attic. there you walked upon jason strangling lucas, to the point you were aware he would stop breathing in any moment.

without any hesitation, you used the flashlight to hit jason in the face, sending him flying backwards. once he was on his back, lucas took ahold of him while you went searching for max's walkman. you could hear her gasping from where she was levitating and knew any second, vecna would finally have her forever.

you found it quickly and used the pile of wood to help you reach the top of her head where you loosely placed the headphones around her ears and clicked play. the familiar sound of kate bush echoed the empty room, if you didn't count the sound of punching coming from lucas.

you stood, looking up at her, fearing that you may have been too late, "come on."

it was like this for a couple more minutes until you heard her gasp, slowing her fall as you caught her. her weight toppled you over, holding her in your chest as you gathered the strength to put you both in a sitting position.

she was crying at this point, clawing at your arms and pushing herself more into your chest.

"i thought i was gonna die, y/n," max wailed in your arms, shaking uncontrollably. "i don't want to die, y/n. i don't want to die."

you started to tear up as well. hearing how broken she sounded must have meant something terrible happened on the other side. she must have lost all hope to this plan and assumed she wasn't going to make it.

that thought made you sick.

"you're okay, max," you shushed her as much as you could, kissing her head. "you're okay."

i wrote this based on memory bc there is
NO WAY i'm watching this scene again for
awhile i cant handle it
jason should have been vecna's victim idc

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