imagine eighteen: max mayfield

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part two 🤭🤭
also has anyone heard the theory about eddie
coming back as a vampire? bc it's so cool
(hint hint) 😏
btw mileven doesn't exist in my imagines bc i
believe in elmax and byler rights

the hospital was primarily empty, especially at night. the victims from the earthquakes began to clear out a few days ago (if they could) which is what gave you guys the extra space and privacy down in the kitchen.

there was a body sized container in the back that was full of supplies which you all cleared out and filled with water as well as salt. now, all you had to do was hope for the best of what was to come.

everyone watched as you entered the lukewarm water hesitantly, for a second. el was kneeled beside the tub as well as dustin on the other side. they both held your hand as you lowered your body until you were fully submerged.

mike, who was still unsure of the plan, uncrossed his arms as he walked over to give you the piece of cloth he ripped from an old hospital gown for you to use, "good luck."

you nodded thankfully, taking it from him as you covered your eyes and tied it behind your head. now that you were ready, el closed her eyes—her hand still gripping onto yours tightly—and began to use her powers.

it seemed like it wasn't working at first until you were able to suddenly open your eyes and were instantly transported inside what you assumed was "the void" that el had referred to many times before. it was wet beneath your feet and black all around.

"is it working, y/n?" you heard dustin's voice echo all throughout the space, startling you.

"uh, yeah?" were the words that left your mouth as you began to walk forward. "it's pitch black."

"she's in," eleven confirmed, her eyes still shut closed as blood dripped from her nose. "think about max, y/n."

you nodded, even though she couldn't see you, and began to go through all the memories in your mind that contained the redhead. but, for some reason, the only one that was strong enough was the night she died.

no matter how hard you tried to push it in the back of your head; it was all you saw. you opened your eyes, desperately trying to get rid of the thoughts but became aware of the fact that the scenery had changed.

you stood outside of max's house in hawkins. it looked untouched, as if frozen in time. but when the redhead passed by you with a box in her hand, it all made sense to you. it was the day she moved here.

for some reason, you couldn't understand; why did it bring you here of all the times in max's life? you thought there would be a more exclusive memory max was living in to protect herself from vecna but this was the one that was given to you, so you followed behind her inside the house to try and figure out why.

you heard more than one voice and saw max paused by the door of her room. down the hall, you could see billy, which mentally frightened you. it had been a long time since you last seen his face and him being here only made you tensed. you noticed max was as well.

the other person that he was arguing with was covered by the wall but you assumed it had to have been her step - dad from all the stories she told you about him. their voices were loud, basically shouting in each other's face until billy's eyes darted toward where max stood, making her run inside her room in fear.

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