imagine fourteen: sadie sink (spoilers)

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we need a breather and what greater
than to write a sadie imagine??
this is going to an interview imagine
so both of you are on stranger things
i was gonna add more ppl but i decided for it
to just be you and sadie
also y/c/n = your characters name

you and sadie sat side by side while you were being interviewed for volume two of stranger things. for the most part, all the questions were easy to answer but then the interviewer started to get into the majority of the last two episodes concerning your characters.

"sadie, tell me how was it filming such intense scenes." the interviewer questioned the redhead while you turned to give her your attention.

sadie began to smile, "hard because y/n wasn't there with me! no but in all seriousness, it was actually fun? i don't know. i was just excited to dive into max's character and to portray more of her personal feelings on screen."

"yeah, y/c/n was safe and sound, huh?" the interviewer joked around since sadie brought you into her answer.

"i guess," you laughed, adjusting your position in your seat. "i mean, as safe as having to watch eddie die right in front of her."

"oh my god!" the interview lit up as if your comment sparked a question in their head. "how was that? like having to see joe like that?"

"it was horrible!" you said, honestly speaking since eddie was your favorite character. "he was so funny though! he kept making gaten and i crack up which is bad because imagine if dustin and y/c/n were just laughing while he was dying! horrible."

the interviewer laughed alongside you, before they calmed down a bit and referred back to another topic, "y/c/n and max... we have to talk about it!"

you two both smiled simultaneously. trying to hide the obvious relationship going on between you two was hard when they asked questions like this.

"was that always planned? they had us thinking lucas and max would be a thing in season two but started to lean toward y/c/n a bit," the interviewer gestured with their hands along with their words. "can you two tell me more about that?"

"well, honestly, it wasn't supposed to happen," sadie laughed, filling your stomach with butterflies. "while filming season two, they always told us how we had great chemistry and for awhile, we weren't sure what that meant since we were written to act as friends."

"oh, yeah, i remember that!" you budded in upon realization of that exact conversation the writers had with you two during filming.

"yeah, so when we began to film for season three, they came to us to explain their whole idea behind what they wanted to happen between max and y/c/n," sadie started to explain while you listened with a smile. "they turned it into a love triangle with an obvious choice as to who they wanted max to end up with."

"poor lucas." you mumbled under your breath which caused them all to laugh.

"was it easy filming those scenes together?" the interviewer questioned with furrowed brows.

"absolutely," sadie immediately answered even if the questioned lingered for either of you to answer. "i've known y/n for so long that it almost felt like second nature. if i'm being honest, i was kind of rooting for them too."

"well, yeah, there is certainly some raw chemistry between you two," the interview began to become suspicious and only did her job by questioning. "you two are such fantastic actresses!"

you two laughed it off, sighing to yourself that you two weren't caught or even questioned further about your relationship.

"so, tell me what can we expect with y/c/n and max? i know you guys probably can't say much but if there's something, we loved to know." the interview squinted her eyes with a hopeful expression.

"y/c/n will save max from the hospital, bring her back to life and they'll live happily ever after." you said with obvious sarcasm.

"no, actually, we have no idea what they'll be doing with them or our characters in general." sadie answered more professionally than you after laughing at your joke.

"okay, we're gonna play a little game," the interviewer readjusted herself while you two prepared yourself for what was to come. "i'm going to ask some stranger things related questions and you both have to answer for each other to the best of your ability of what the other one would prefer, alright?"

you both agreed while nodding.

"okay, first one to y/n: waffles or pancakes?" the interviewer hid her face behind her card.

"easy! pancakes! i always make her pancakes every morning." you slipped up with probably too much information.

"she does! she's the best cook." sadie added nonchalantly with a smile.

"oh my god? do you two live together?" the interviewer completely forgotten her game now with this information dangling in front of her.

"well, no, but i've been visiting sadie recently so i basically do as of right now." you explained with a smile.

"as my girlfriend, she's always welcome," sadie purposely exposed with a smirk. "we've tried to keep our relationship as private as possible but it's hard!"

"this makes so much sense!" the interviewer smiled with a laugh. "does the cast know?"

"yes but noah was the last one we told, for obvious reasons, and he wasn't the happiest." you laughed at the memory, sadie laughing with you.

"who was the first person you told?" the interviewer was more intrigued with this than anything else as she laughed at what you said about noah.

"joe keery!" you said immediately. "i trust that man with my life."

sadie laughed at your comment, hiding her giggles with her hand.

"well, that's about all the time we have but thank you two so much for being here and chatting with me," the interviewer thanked you two. "i hope i can see you two girls soon!"

"thank you so much for having us." sadie smiled.

now the whole world knew about your secret relationship and you couldn't be more happier to finally kiss your girlfriend in public without fear of paparazzi.

i made everything up i CANT
me when i pretend to be in interviews so
i have automatic responses and questions
for these kind of imagines 😭😭
anyways i love sadie sink

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