So about the last chapter..
i ended up about a good 700 words fromfinising it but my PC decided to pop in and and resart its self WITHOUT ANY WARNING and deleted all 3005 words that i had NOT saved.
Im sorry i just quit. i couldn't do it anymore. like srsly i was working on the rest of the chapter for a good 45 minutes NONSTOP.
Rage Quiting was the only option that i saw fit. but the rest of the chapter consisted of fights that happened, our run in with the police- which caused us to basically try to be ninjas for the rest of that night trying to avoid having charges pressed against us because amonte wanted to treat a white lady officer as if she was going to make him the next African American to be killed in senseless violence by white people.
It was just too much to start over tbh. Infact i wasnt even finished. i just wasnt about to go over that AND THEN SOME over again.
because fuck that.
So in my attempt to make up for that chapter, heres a BRAND NEW chapter.
Well here it is...
srsly im getting started.
Its time for me to start doing makeup work due to my chronic procrastination.
i should be good, but then again this is High School sooooooo
I need to see about that.
all i know so far in my journey is that i have aproximatley 4 days left and i passed both my eoc's (End of Course Exams, tbh they should rly be called EoCE's), Need to complete a writting assignment for english that was due May 11th, and i recieved 50 bonus points for making a good on my Bio Eoc ( for all of you who havent taken biology yet, you dont have anything to worry about, its easy as shit. If you know food wedbs and common sense, you good)
Not gonna get straight A's but its something :/
Everyones saying their goodbyes and "see you next year"'s and then im there like "im not coming back and I will not be missed ^-^ "
but there will be a few that ill miss,
like jalen, Amber, Ashley, Kendrick, and N'Kidra just to name some.
but why say "goodbye" when we can literally say "see ya later bro" because who knows, I'll probably end up getting kicked out of Lee and having to go back to Mckinley or bel-air because im a fo' real dumass who can't even remember to get a simple sheet signed by a parent/legal guardian and bring it to school until its about a week late (like really, i was supposed to get my IGP signed and guess what? i didnt get it signed and eneded up losing the ENTIRE form. i have a feeling its gonna come back to haunt me at the very end.)
We'll just have to see about that.
I just want to get my grades to their maximum poteintial for last minute and
visit my niggets at brh one more time, mainly because i know i won't ever get a chance to see anyone again unless theres some special event that sydney or jazz wants me to go to, and its gonna be hard as shit to do things over the summer because two people do not have communication with me
*Cough* Jaazarius and Eriell(<3) *Cough* *COUGH* (fuck eriell) -Sept. 16, 2015
So theres nothing i can do about that shizz.