Entrance exam

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"Well then young Midoriya, shall we get started?"

*1 month later*

Izuku was standing in front of the gates of UA/Yuei high, his dream school that seemed impossible to get into a few months prior but was now only one step away now.

"So this is UA high"Izuku said to himself as he took in the look of the gigantic building Infront of him awestruck.

'This one step, will change my future permanently' Izuku thought to himself taking one step into the academy.

"Get outta my way you damn extra"Said an all too known voice to Izuku as a blond hair who looked to about Izuku's age with red eyes that seemed to carry nothing but anger walked past him and then realising who he was

"Deku,WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?"The boy questioned in an aggressive tone

"Hey Kachan"Izuku said with fear and nervousness clear in his voice

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME HERE"The now Identified Katsuki Byakugo shouted in an aggressive tone

"But I came anyways, so what are you gonna do about it" Izuku answered, he wouldn't even think about speak to his former bully like that 10 months ago but his time with All might had increased his confidence levels. The two were now starting to gather a crowd.

"Whatever, stay the fuck out of my way if you know what's good for you" said as he walked off thinking 'Something's changed about that nerd'

A brunette with short brown hair and eyes slightly shorter than Izuku walked up to him and asked "Hey are you okay?"

"Oh me, yeah, it's just me and Kachan don't really get along well is all"

"Oh, okay then, by the way, my name's Ochako Uraraka" She said reaching a hand fowards

"Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said accepting her hand shake

"Very nice to meet you Midoriya and good luck in the entrance exam"Uraraka siad

"Likewise" Izuku answered as she walked off into the school

'OhmygodIjusttalkedtoagirl' Izuku thought to himself 'and without stuttering' he added in afterthought congratulationimg himself for not only standing up to Bakugo but also having an interaction with someone unknown without stuttering and a girl no less.

Izuku then followed suit and entered the school's doors heading for the auditorium. All the students were sitting in a Auditorium waiting for there exams to start when a pro hero Izuku recognised as Present Mic walked onto the stage.

"What's up future UA students and heroes"Exclaimed Present Mic in an excited tone to which there was no response

"Jezz, tough crowd. Anyways you all will be writing an exam on basic science and mathematics before we move on with the practical exams,you have 3 hours to finish the exam."Present Mic explained whilst UA bots distributed the papers

*3 hours later

"All right listeners it's time to get on with the practical. So lemme lay it down for you real quick, there are three types of bots in this shindig -the one pointer,  twopointerand and 3pointer each of them having their assigned values.

"Excuse me sir, on the pamphlet it says there are four types of robots whilst you only named three, could this be a mistake on such a prestigious hero, surely this will tarnish UA's reputation" The tall blue hair boy exclaimed

"I was just getting to that little listener, the fourth robot is worth 0 points, it's mainly just an obstacle to get in your way so I advise staying away from it. Now, with that said let's move you All to your sights for the practical exams

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